If you're a founder working on a startup full-time (doesn't have to be crypto): 1. Name 2. If public, link to the website 3. Bootstrapped or angel/venture backed 4. Tag co-founders if they're on FC (happy to give invite if not)
Bunches sports-dedicated social network • https://onbunches.com • venture-backed • cofounder: @tome
1. Quilibrium 2. https://www.quilibrium.com 3. Bootstrapped so far, pursuing fundraising 4. Solo
1. XCaster @xcaster - Turn your X into Farcaster. 2. https://xcaster.xyz/ 3. Angel backed 4. @edricnguyen.eth @taihtm @baohungnguyen.eth
1. Paragraph 2. paragraph.xyz 3. VC backed 4. Solo founder
1. Karma 2. https://www.karmahq.xyz 3. Venture backed 4. Solo
1. Coven Classics 2. www.covenclassics.com 3. Bootstrapped 4. @bhadoriya from the team is here, everyone else is just social media shy atm
1. Lucidly Finance 2. In stealth mode atm, happy to discuss more. tldr - it's protocol to bootstrap/rent reliable liquidity on-demand for LST/ETH pools. 3. bootstrapped so far, looking for angels 4. @0x and @kraznik
1. Lucidly Finance 2. In stealth mode atm, happy to discuss more. tldr - it's a protocol to bootstrap/rent reliable liquidity on-demand for LST/ETH pools. 3. bootstrapped so far, looking for angels 4. @0x and @kraznik
1. DAOpunks 2. daopunks.wtf 3. Bootstrapped 4. @oghupeng && 1. meTokens 2. metokens.com 3. Angel & venture backed 4. Solo
1. FLOC* 2. https://wearefloc.com/ 3. Bootstrapped 4. @0xgsus.eth and Sr.Ferran
1. Code4rena 2. Code4rena.com 3. VC 4. @sockdrawermoney (others not on FC I don’t think)
1. Party 2. https://partylabs.org 3. Fundraising soon 4. Need invite!
1. Smoothly 2. Docs.smoothly.money 3. Bootstrapped public good 4. Solo with a great dev whose not on FC
1. OpenPool 2. https://www.openpool.co 3. Backed 4. @saahith
1. The City Farmers 2. thecityfarmers.org 3. Bootstrapped 501c3 non-profit raising $6M to fund an endowment/ operations in perpetuity, following the OpenAI model of 501c3 to r&d a product leading to a venture backed scaled business holler at me if someone you know wants to make a 5-7 figure charitable donation
1. Axflow 2. https://axflow.dev 3. VC backed (YC S23) 4. @benjreinhart
1. operator 2. operator.io 3. both lmao 4. @promptrotator.eth
1. US3R Network 2. u3.xyz s3.xyz 3. backed, raising 500k
1. Chones 2. https://hackmd.io/Emf-ibarSbqYyieKhXN2Rw?view 3. Bootstrapped-sexy 4. invite please for Addigator https://twitter.com/addigator71
Co-Founded NGMI with @tisi https://ngmi.ai Bootstrapped 🫡
1. Throwback Studios (@throwbackvr) 2. https://www.throwback.studio/ (check our TikTok) 3. Venture backed 4. Cody Woputz (@woputz on X)
1. Ampy - @ampy 2. ampy.co/en 3. Bootstrapped 4. @rycka
1. Converse 2. converse.xyz 3. Venture backed 4. @no12
1. Oncred 2. oncred.xyz, oncredxyz.twitter 3. hopeful to start a round soon
1. Fam 2. https://withfam.xyz/ 3. Bootstrapped, gearing up to raise 4. Working w/ @drojkind and looking for another co-founder with protocol exp.
Not a founder but working with a team of 5 at an early stage music-tech startup. Musifie - building a suite of tools for independent musicians musifie.com Bootstrapped Founder - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anil-joseph-musifie Would love to have an invite extended to him :)
1. Noctie 2. https://noctie.ai 3. Bootstrapped, raising capital soon 4. Not on FC
VerifiedCreators https://verifiedcreators.io Bootstrapped
Not a co-founder but I joined Culture3 on day one Culture3.xyz Raised from Tezos
1. Mystate 2. mystate.in/portugal 3. bootstrapped 4. looking for a technical cofounder
1. quidli 2. quid.li 3. venture backed 4. just me on fc
1. Felight Research 2. https://www.felight.xyz/ 3. smol amount angel backed 4. Co founder not on social media much.
1. Parabol Finance 2. https://parabol.fi/ 3. Angel backed 4. @orkun
1. the bare bar 2. https://thebarebar.store 3. bootstrapped 4. @fufuprophet.eth
5) please give short 1 sentence description 😅 easier than having to click webpage, wait for it to load then return to FC
1. Kiwi News 2. https://news.kiwistand.com 3. bootstrapping 4. @macbudkowski
1. w3sc 2. https://web3socialcapital.xyz 3. Bootstrapped 4. Solo(want @selena to be involved)
1. Basement 2. basement.dev 3. Venture backed: smol pre-seed round 4. Together w/ @stiha 🕺
1. Moon Lab 2. Something new 3. VC backed 4. @peter is my co founder
1. Name - Pureflex - AI Micro-applications platform 2. Link: https://pureflex.app 3. Backing: pre-seed - yet to be funded. 4. Solo venture
1. Option 2. option.app 3. Pre-funding 4. working with @swaggymarie
1. TogetherCrew 2. togethercrew.com/ 3. Grant funded so far 4. Daniel
1. Cedalio (YC S23) 2. Cedalio.com 3. VC founded 4. @luciana @guidomb
1) @lenspost 2) lenspost.xyz / app.lenspost.xyz 3) Bootstrapped, looking for seed investors wanting to invest in consumer social and content creation tooling & infra powered by web3 & ai 4) Cofounder: @auser
1. Ponder (Surveycaster) 2. Weponder.io 3. Bootstrapped 4. @ba
1. Infura 2. infura.io 3. Funded and eventually acquired by Consensys 4. E.G. Galano (not on FC, @egalano on that other app)
1. Bello 2. https://bello.lol/ 3. Angel/VC 4. @ellie
1. Poet 2. https://poet.network 3. Angels & raising VC 4. @vic
1. @1w3 2. https://1w3.io A decentralised website builder for web3 domains 3. Bootstrapped - ENS grants 4. Solo founder
1. Unison 2. https://docs.unison.gg 3. Venture Backed, ongoing round. 4. @deedee
1. Dricity 2. Still in stealth mode 🤫 3. Currently bootstrapped but looking to start fundraising soon. 4. They’re not here but would love 2 invites for them!
1. Nilli 2. nilli.com 3. Angel backed 4. @nomi @maxp.eth @0xmarty
1. Collab.Land" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Collab.Land 2. Collab.Land 3. venture backed 4. @damaderoca and Raymond Feng
1. Garnet Labs 2. Listen.dev 3. venture backed uWu 4. waiting for them to accept invite!
Unlock protocol Https://unlock-protocol.com Venture backed
1. Lucid 2. lucidconnect.xyz 3. Bootstrapped so far, chasing VC funding 4. @shay @johnprops
1. Everbuild 2. https://www.everbuild.pro/ 3. Bootstrapped 4. No - will love an invite!
1. Parker Cardwell 2. https://peaze.com 3. Venture backed 4. @armanvaziri
1. Bolide 2. https://bolide.fi 3. Token sale/angels 4. Invite needed for 2 co-founders
1. Parent 2. still private 3. Bootstrapped af 4. @ceaira
1. Archisman Das 2. https://tasseo.xyz 3. Ventured Backed 4. Mehul (would love to get an invite)
1. gang 2. gan.gg 3. bootstrapped 4. @pretuzz @0xconca.eth
not a founder myself but looking for them https://warpcast.com/gilles/0xdd7f496d
1. Fileverse 2. fileverse.io 3. Backed by 14k donors + grants 4. @constantin @box
1: JMPaul Development 2: https://www.jmpaul.com/ 2.5: NFT Hot or Not & Cure Crystals 3: 🥾
1. Apollo 21 2. https://www.apollo21.io/ 3. 🥾 4. Danny Nathan - https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/profile/in/amongmany
1. Sugarcane 2. https://sugarcane.app 3. VC backed 4. @marissaposner
1. Earn 2. www.earnlvl.com 3. Angel funding Restaurant loyalty points in Hong Kong
1. Woosh 2. https://www.wooshapp.com 3. Bootstrapped (raising pre-seed)
1. Paie 2. https://paie.money 3. angel backed 4. tying to get her to join FC
1. Open Ads Protocol 2. oap.gg 3. Bootstrapped mostly. Ramping up for pre-seed 4. They’ve been invited, but haven’t arrived yet
1. Eniola Ajuwon 2. useprism.io 3. Venture Backed (Founders Factory) 4. Solo (with team of 3)
Thanks Dan! 1. Sloika 2. sloika.xyz 3. VC-backed pre-seed 4. @freeatnet
1. Obvious 2. obvious.technology 3. Venture backed 4. @pradeepbv @himanshu
1. fabric 2. https://withfabric.xyz 3. venture backed 4. @ds @cld
1. ethOS 2. https://ethosmobile.org 3. Bootstrapped 4. @mk @nc @mme
1. frens 2. frens.lol 3. venture backed 4. @bli @jacky
1. @icebreaker 2. https://icebreaker.xyz 3. Angel 4. @web3pm
1. bigshottoyworks 2 https://www.bigshottoyworks.com/ 3.bootstrapped 4 @bigshottoyworks
1. Masca 2. https://masca.io 3. Bootstrapped, looking for funding 4. @kersic.eth
1. @forum 2. Https://forumdaos.con 3. Bootstrapped but currently raising pre-seed! 4. @peterferguson.eth
1. @forum 2. Https://forumdaos.com 3. Bootstrapped but currently raising pre-seed! 4. @peterferguson.eth
1. GCRx 2. https://gcrx.io 3. Raising pre-Seed 4. 3 co-founders: https://twitter.com/vamosarthur https://twitter.com/joyceinnyc (!FC) https://twitter.com/erlisazh (!FC)
1. Blockhead (@blockhead) 2. blockhead.info 3. Bootstrapping 4. Just me (@darrylyeo)
1. BirthMark Tattoo 2. https://testnets.birthmark.app 3. Bootstrapped -w seed investment 🤘
1. DIMO 2. https://dimo.zone/ 3. Initially Bootstrapped, then venture backed 4. @robmsolomon @alexrawitz @yev (needs invite)
1. Hats Protocol 🧢 2. https://hatsprotocol.xyz 3. Backed 4. @spengrah.eth @davv @hatsprotocol
1. TITLES - Creative tools powered by artist-trained and owned AI models. 2. www.titles.xyz 3. Venture Backed 4. @parker
1. Interface 2. interface.social 3. Pre-seed Bootstrapped & Community, Seed VC backed 4. @annoushka.eth
so many interesting projects! Love it! Just signed up for Sugarcane! GCRX looks cool, definitely Kiwinews, ... Exploring the digital identity projects - but here I'm confused...(tbc)
1. https://vaults.fyi" target="_blank" rel="noopener">vaults.fyi 2. https://vaults.fyi 3. Bootstrapped 4. @ryanrodenbaugh @jusbroni @tylerw
(tbc part. 2) re-digital identity projects: I'm a decently knowledgeable person in terms of tech, business, and Web3... I understand the value of owning "my" digital identity, but I have trouble understanding how different projects help me do that? Can you guys make it more clear? If I'll get it - let's do podcast?
1. xMulticorp 2. https://xmulticorp.com 3. Bootstrapped 4. My partners unfortunately aren’t on FC
name: Rivet site: https://rivet.cloud Financing: Initially bootstrapped, then venture-backed by Draper Goren Blockchain, DFG, and David Bleznak (founder of Totle) Co-founders: Beth van Horn and Austin Roberts (please send invites to them at [email protected] and [email protected] 😎)
1. Suhayb 2. blvkhvnd.com 3. Bootstrapped via crowdfund & auctions 4. @atm @teelon @blvk0ut @blvkrolvel
1. Gregor 2. Movieluvr.com (half-built live test site, two weeks to alpha) 3. Strapless high-heel strapped 4 @dwr.eth
1. Metalancer 2. www.metalancer.com 3. Bootstrapped for 18 months, now raising seed round.
1. NiftyApes 2. Niftyapes.money 3. VC backed 4. @captnseagraves on Twitter needs an invite
1. Tom Giles 2. https://projectadmission.com/ 3. Venture 4. My co-founder doesn’t actively use socials 🫣
Startup(s) 1. funDAOmental 2. https://linktr.ee/fundaomental 3. Bootstrapped 4. n/a 1. Loot Underworld 2. https://lootunderworld.addpotion.com/ 3. Bootstrapped w/ grant from Frontinus House 4. Mataleone 1. Skogarmaor 2. Stealth 3. Bootstrapped 4. [Redacted]
1. Talent Protocol 2. talentprotocol.com 3. Angel/VC backed 4. 2 co-founders not on FC yet
founder assist | Shipglide, Inc. www.shipglide.com bootstrapped 6yr+now 6mo angel “air lubrication systems for ocean shipping”
1. Yo 2. Yo.lol 3. VC backed 4. @inurinternet @tip- @yolunchbag (not on FC and could use an invite 😄)
1. Kevin Coale Performance Coaching LLC 2. kevincoale.xyz 3. Bootstrapped, 🧱by 🧱 4. No co-founders, but 🙏🏻to support @lesgreys.eth, @manansh from FC
1. Africarare 2. https://africarare.io 3. VC funded 4. @Mic Mann (not on FC)
1. Lighthouse.Storage 2. https://www.lighthouse.storage 3. VC Backed 4. @ravish1729
1. evaluate 2. https://evaluate.xyz 3. venture backed (seed stage) 4. @swift_kill + @codybouche on X
1. StationX 2. Stationx.network 3. Bootstrapped 4. @yeradaoti (2 others not of FC yet)
1. Smallballs 2. soulharvester.xyz 3. Self funded 4. Co-Founder not yet on FC
1. Galleon 2. galleon.trade 3. multiple partnerships , funded by community funds 4. Myself
Social Continent thesocialcontinent.com Bootstrapped Solo Founder (Team ex- Senior Google, ex Amazon Tech Lead, IIT Alums)
1. Aquamind - Decentralized AI 2. Not public 3. May raise soon 4. Need 3 invites Would love to meet anyone in Santa Monica/LA area this/next week
1. LOBOMAR- 2. www.lobomarhyphen.com 3. Bootstrapped 4. Marcella Lobo (www.marcellalobo.com)
1. Blocto 2. Blocto.io 3. VC backed 4. @hlee need one more for another cofounder
1. we create project 2. wecreateproject.com 3. Bootstrapped 4. nonart.eth and wecreateproject.eth
New.foundation (link and name) Private token sale now Need FC invites for other co founders
1. write - Write Blogs that Live Forever on the decentralized web. 2. write.link 3. Bootstrapped 4. Will be announced soon
1. Slow Rodeo 2. www.slow.rodeo 3. angel/VC backed and currently raising 4. @tomgrapefruit + ryan hamilton (who would love an invite)
1. ROSCA 2.0 Protocol 2. No website yet, only white paper here: https://mirror.xyz/0xeD0438e7C9DC984E37dF38aD597C40FDBa6f66B7/EzFj8A3QiZcxDfJWme3rKdiMKJFQQiu9DBeQqDmEa4I 3. No funding yet. Still early. 4. @metamonk
1. Ethos 2. ethoswallet.xyz and more recently thecollection.ai 3. Seed stage, venture backed 4. @irrationaljared
1. CronFi 2. https://github.com/Cron-Finance/Cron-Finance 3. Bootstrapped + Angels
1. we create project 2. wecreateproject.com 3. Bootstrapped 4. @nonart.eth and me
I am not working on it full-time but definitely want to! The idea is basically powerline communication meets smart home IoT and done a whole lot more elegantly. 1. Nodemesh 2. nodemesh.systems 3. Bootstrapped 4. Solo
kind of in the early stages 1. Promptress LLC 2. promptress.ai (not 100% ready yet) 3. ??? 4. looking for one 🤷♀️
1. ZeroDev 2. https://zerodev.app/ 3. VC backed Hit me up if anyone here wants to improve UX for their projects by using AA!