In reply to @counity.eth
Nick Casares@ndc

Nice! On the list. Have you tried a sous vide cooker?

Nick Casares@ndc

What's your go to lunch? Looking for meal ideas that are fast and easy to repeat. I find it's the hardest meal to lock-in consistently.

Nick Casares@ndc

Howdy! 🤠

Nick Casares@ndc

Noticed this quote above the table at dinner last night and it struck a chord. Hang in there, fam.

In reply to @pol
Nick Casares@ndc

It’s an idea we never finalized but I’m game to resurrect the conversation!

In reply to @coachcoale
Nick Casares@ndc

“What is your motivation?”

In reply to @jofnd
Nick Casares@ndc

I was boolish on learning to fly until my wife bought me a “flight experience” package in a two-seat trainer and the instructor demoed “stall training” 🤢

In reply to @pol
Nick Casares@ndc

I had a chat with a co-founder if CabinDAO earlier this year about doing a Web3 product leader retreat. Would this kind of thing be interesting?

In reply to @mk
Nick Casares@ndc

Sorry fren

In reply to @pfista
Nick Casares@ndc

I think you have for pick your battles when it comes to info consumption. Web3 is a HUGE footprint that means anything from NFT royalty protocols to DAO proposal schemes. I think tuning into your interests is a key step for dialing down the noise (and keeping a sleep schedule).

In reply to @samhcarter
Nick Casares@ndc

Invest in yourself

In reply to @tylerbenmark
Nick Casares@ndc

I had no idea. Thank you for sharing!! 🙏

In reply to @ace
Nick Casares@ndc

Or did they?…

In reply to @tylerbenmark
Nick Casares@ndc

Ok, what is this room? I’ve watched Mr Dataline play here.

In reply to @pfista
Nick Casares@ndc

Cool idea! I wonder if auto-tagging would turn into high cognitive load over time since the user didn’t define the taxonomy? Summaries would be fresh af.

In reply to @peter
Nick Casares@ndc

The Optimism onboarding flow for the airdrop claim is fantastic.

In reply to @ace
Nick Casares@ndc

0-1 but I have mad respect for the 1-10-100 type. Would be interesting to see the correlation between design background and 0-1 versus biz/finance/eng background and 1-100.

In reply to @hiten
Nick Casares@ndc

I think tools like HypeFurry and Jasper(.ai) will be table stakes for anyone trying to build a personal brand. Anything to cut down on the time it takes to repurpose content in strategic and creative ways.

In reply to @giu
Nick Casares@ndc


In reply to @matthew
Nick Casares@ndc

NFT NYC side parties were a good example of where this kind of model would help the ecosystem grow beyond the collection. An event attendee on a +1 NFT could get a taste of the community before deciding to go all in on the secondary market.

In reply to @matthew
Nick Casares@ndc

I was just thinking about the potential of using +1 NFTs as a way for the community to grow beyond the collection size while adding economic incentives to the mix. As a holder of a hot collection, it could be a way to introduce new people to the community with a royalty stream on the +1 NFTs (or a social cred thing).

In reply to @missjenny
Nick Casares@ndc

Not enneagram. I believe it was

In reply to @nonlinear
Nick Casares@ndc

I use OneTab in Brave and zero out tabs a few times per week. On Sunday, I give myself 1-2 hours to dig through the week's list of tabs and read what captures my attention. I treat it like product backlog. Some stuff matters a lot but most doesn't. If it's really important, it will come back.

In reply to @matthew
Nick Casares@ndc

Playing out the incentive side, a community could issue +1 NFTs. These +1 NFTs could be used or sold as NFT holders see fit. A royalty split could be shared with the main NFT holder, creating a mutually beneficial revenue stream. This could be a one-time grant or used as an ongoing retention mechanism.

In reply to @dwr
Nick Casares@ndc

Curios about this one. Why mobile only to start? I understand that from a Web2 perspective, but my experience with Web3 - anything - has been lackluster.