sam carter | 현춘@samhcarter

As a young person (early 20s) with some money from luckily timing an asset bubble, is it better to spend money on personal development (ie: courses/coaching) or to fight for small allocations in exciting deals? - Assume staying liquid is not an option for this excess capital

In reply to @samhcarter
Kevin Coale@coachcoale

I'm biased toward coaching :), or any investment that will deliver ROI on self in 20 years. That said, I wonder if it's possible to do both: Jam with a coach, figure out what matters most, and then if there's the chance to invest in it, do it in a way that's consistent with your values.

In reply to @samhcarter
Cameron Armstrong@cameron

You’ll get more value from (based on our last convo) self started projects and mentors. Neither cost much money. Until you have a recurring FT problem set, I wouldn’t spend on coaches (mentors can do a LOT of this). Deals are fun but won’t change your life. Use capital as freedom to lean into what you’re bu

In reply to @samhcarter
Juan Rivera Perez@juan

If you figure this out, lmk

In reply to @samhcarter
Nick Casares@ndc

Invest in yourself

In reply to @samhcarter

Idk, coaching always seemed like such a scam to me