Warpcast PSA We're going to be deprecating the purple checkmark badge this week and replacing it with something more meaningful! Why? - Originally novel idea for NFT avatars, before it existed on Twitter - It doesn't actually communicate anything of value - Want to spread awareness before so folks aren't surprised
Can you also make them update live? Example, my pfp made by @aafren changes it's rotation every day, completing a full rotation every year. I've had to manually go on my profile to update it's rotation, would be nice if it updated every day?
Ooooo we should start a @purple reward for the first person to correctly guess 🤣
If someone has > 0 likes from @dwr or @v they get verified
There will be 12 circles surrounding yours with the avatars of your most interacted with casters. Clicking on one circle navigates to their profile. Becomes a weird way to explore castiverse.
is it ENS verification, like @jam? since 1) warpcast is leaning into crypto experiences, 2) ~60% of current users hold an ENS, 3) @betashop's survey about web3 identify revealed ENS is how most identify, and 4) ENS much more individualized than an NFT, it would make sense. @greg, any ideas? 👀
Badges similar to GitHub’s? That would be cool and motivate people to be active. IE. 100 day caster, received 1000 likes or the Mac daddy…deployed app on Farcaster.
Check mark to question mark update makes a lot of sense. Probably generates more clicks.
How about you earn a tag of some kind for garnering a certain amount of actions during a given epoch Eg. Purple retweet symbol for getting 100+ retweets during 1 month Then there’s meaning I know to follow Bob because Bob gets a lot retweets/likes/posts/GMs Unlike Twitter it’s a badge based on recurring merit
I would actually love there to be an emoji of choice. Maybe even a cast by cast meta-mood indicator. On Twitter, I now know people to guess what kind of Tweet they might have put out and can gloss over or indulge in depending on my mood. But since Warpcast is new, I would like to have another indicator.
A) Who cares? 🤷 B) Why isn't ✔️ a good enough universal verified heuristic? 😵 C) My guess is @dwr will replace with universal argonaut flag: 🏴☠️ Happy casting you silly lil buccaneers.
what if the check mark is based on other checkmarks interacting with that user?
This didn’t need to go away, it just needed repurposed to a DAO/club badge of any sort
lol, for a second I thought you were literally just replacing it with a question-mark icon.
Farcaster in 2026: “we are introducing Farcaster Purple, $8/m for the verified checkmark, or a purple DAO membership“