Cameron Armstrong@cameron

Farcaster - what’s your best remedy for getting out of a rut? Some unfortunate (and unaddressable) personal news recently is impacting my focus. Trying to get back on track 🫡

In reply to @cameron

Really, truly rest; really, truly take time to feel your feelings. Ask for help and support, and ruthlessly curate your life so what is within in your control is optimised.

In reply to @cameron

Not sure what you’re going through but here are some suggestions: Don’t fight your emotions: Let yourself be impacted and have patience and time for yourself Delay your emotions till a later time to feel emotions, so you can focus during the day, but deal with them at some point Patience: It’s going to take t

In reply to @cameron
David Furlong@df

Sorry to hear that mate, hope you're alright! Changing your environment sometimes helps me (go to cafe/coworking/other room/...)

In reply to @cameron
Zac Townsend@zt

Always hard for me too...I find forcing myself to exercise is the thing that is most reliable for me, but I know YMMV

In reply to @cameron

Cry, try your hardest to say yes to being around friends, stay away from drugs and alcohol Also try to Keep a schedule with weekly things to look forward to.

In reply to @cameron


In reply to @cameron

create a routine you're excited about try going to a new cafe, doing your fav exercises at the gym, etc good luck!

In reply to @cameron
Les Greys@les

Writing was my past rut remover. Now it’s become, co-creating. Writing will always be my first love.

In reply to @cameron
Graham Siener@gsiener

You know you best. But I find it helpful to do things you might ignore when busy but know make you feel better. Go for a run, drive somewhere and do a long nature hike.

In reply to @cameron
Jordan Kutzer@jk

This is the best I've found. Hope it helps and hope you get out of the rut! Thank you for sharing 🙏 farcaster://casts/0x...c1245b51dd

In reply to @cameron

I love going outdoors when I’m in a rut,whether it’s for a little walk or watching the sunset. Nothing beats getting some fresh air and enjoying nature

In reply to @cameron
Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

Form me: walking (without any headphones on. just letting my thoughts go through), meditation & working out

In reply to @cameron
Alex Loukissas@futureartist

Long runs. Digital Sabbath. Nature. All the above together, even better.

In reply to @cameron
Carlos Matallín@matallo

Some things that have worked for me: Share with a friend. Go on a quick trip and have time to explore and rest. Find the small things to celebrate. I’m here to listen if you need it.

In reply to @cameron

You have all the advice in this thread that you need, trust yourself to execute and you will 🤗 we’re here for you and believe in you

In reply to @cameron
Linda Xie@linda

I'm sorry to hear! When I was going through something, my therapist recommended I go out for at least a 15 min walk during the day (ideally somewhere with nature) every day and that helped me

In reply to @cameron
Christopher McElveen@cmac

Typically when I’m in a rut I try to do something completely different than is typical. So if I’m in a work rut I go to the pool and take a nap etc. changing environment plus inputs helps!

In reply to @cameron
Jeff Feiwell@hyper


In reply to @cameron
Adrienne 🌱@adrienne

First, I’m sorry Cameron. ❤️❤️❤️ Second, Lots of great advice already. Farcasters are an impressive lot. We don’t always have the luxury to control events. When tragedies hit, the only way past is through. And sometimes it can’t be rushed. Have to surrender to, and feel the full pain to come out the

In reply to @cameron
grin more@grin

Wanna get lunch on Tues? I’ll be downtown

In reply to @cameron
Ed O'Shaughnessy@eddieosh

I found this reframing to energy flows have helped me when I'm down. HTH and all the best.

In reply to @cameron
Kevin Coale@coachcoale

1) thank you for your vulnerability, Cameron. 2) your body and kind know how to guide you through this.

In reply to @cameron
Tom ⌐◨-◨@dstny

Derealize and remember that most of “life” isn’t real and you shouldn’t really give a fuck about it

In reply to @cameron
Kenny MacKenzie@shore

What's best depends on context... but Write/journal talk to someone who will listen, even if you have to pay them Exercise Cold therapy (jump in cold ocean) Meditate Make sure you sleep well (no screen before bed, don't eat before bed, try to sleep at consistent times) Manage dopamine spikes (Andrew huberman podcast)

In reply to @cameron
DEADSTOCK @deadstock

Running always helps

In reply to @cameron

Digital detox and force yourself to confront the thoughts that are killing your motivation. I went camping for two days and did a lot of journaling. But lots of good suggestions in this thread too!

In reply to @cameron

If you’re a talker, talk to close friends who are supportive and nonjudgmental. If you think talking is too painful or causes you to ruminate, then something physical like a walk or other exercise. Change your venue to break the mental cycle.

In reply to @cameron

Cliche: workout get sleep Also affective: start a task (anything) that requires effort. Complete it.

In reply to @cameron

Call people you love and respect and talk to them

In reply to @cameron
Uncle Davo@uncledavo

Understanding how you feel rested (it may be exercising, or a ritual, or doing nothing), and making time for that every day - a version that’s super easy to do too. Sun, sleep, socialising and healthy diet help, but don’t beat yourself up. Ruts happen - good on you for recognising you’re in one.

In reply to @cameron
Nat Emodi@emodi

Focus on your life force: eating well, sleep, exercise, and meaningful human connection Also no cure for malaise like getting shit done

In reply to @cameron

no matter how bad things are, we can always practice gratitude (this note is just as much for you as me)

In reply to @cameron

no matter how bad things are, we can always practice gratitude (this note is just as much for you as me)

In reply to @cameron
Avi 💙@savvyavi

It’s really really important to process your emotions, even if they’re unpleasant. What we avoid will show up with full force in much unhealthy ways - when we least expect it. This is the most important lesson I e ever learned. You can take breaks. Do even the the tiniest things that make you feel alive. But fe

In reply to @cameron

I’m sorry you are going through a rough patch. Definitely allow yourself the space to be with yourself and feel the emotions. Afternoon naps can help a lot. Also walking.

In reply to @cameron

Breath work, meditation, running, lifting weights, camping, or going to a live music event of an artist I truly enjoy.

In reply to @cameron
Matthew Sweet@msms

Spend more time at the tails of physical/mental stimulation. Full, intense physical activity or pure contemplation. Movement or stillness. Tends to work for me, though I haven’t tried it with the significance of events you’re implying.

In reply to @cameron

I went through something recently as well. And instead of keeping my feelings aside like always, I faced it this time. I took how much ever time I needed. It was tough but I hope it would pay off in the long run.

In reply to @cameron
Carlos Acevedo@carlosace

Gm, fren. Sorry you're going through a rough patch. Have you tried journaling? Freewriting for 25 minutes (or 5) has been a practice that has helped me tremendously; I try to do it daily. Articulating one's problems seems to help us address them. Don't worry about grammar or spelling, just give it to the page.

In reply to @cameron
Ivy Astrix@ivy

echoing what’s been said already : you need to hold space for yourself for everything to truly work it’s way out of your system

In reply to @cameron

Think about the circumstance that got you in a rut. Then, what thought did you have about it? What did you make the circumstance mean about you that got you in the rut? because that thought triggered an emotion Figuring out what thought triggered your feeling and observing what actions follow is key to moving on

In reply to @cameron

The Pomodoro technique has helped me a lot in moments like these Anyone can concentrate for 20 mins at a time, just don't be too hard on yourself and do it little by little

In reply to @cameron

Vipassana meditation

In reply to @cameron

🙏 A combination of prayer, meditation, exercise, community/friends (even if I have to force myself), nature

In reply to @cameron
Oz Lubling@ozlubling

Action. Start doing things and don’t contemplate too much. You’ll get your brain moving and hopefully start to feel better soon.

In reply to @cameron
Ben O’Rourke@bpo

I like an app called Flowstate - forces you to write, and if you quit you lose what you’ve written. Was blocked on a critical project this morning and just forced it with back to back 15 min sessions. That jarred things lose for productive work.