In reply to @b-rad

Been exploring this as well lately

In reply to @zenallies

For now just been brain dumping until I run out of thoughts, sure there are more structured methods but it’s been working for me so far


Anyone here well versed on the wallet landscape? Looking for a SME to get product feedback on an early idea


Exploring whether web3 native marketing would help or hurt the industry. No one *wants* to be marketed to, but when Twitter is overcrowded and you’ve hit your max on email newsletters, would TG and Discord DMs/blast be a better vehicle?

In reply to @coachcoale

I’ve been taking more time to prioritize self reflection (mostly through journaling). It’s become an important routine to make sure I’m checking in with myself and listening to my intuition



In reply to @humpty

Which identity project is farthest along right now in linking web2 social to wallet addresses?


One thing I don’t see much discussion of on Farcaster is decentralized content moderation. How will we react when Trump, Kanye and others start using it as their new soapbox?


You know you’re getting old when you no longer recognize any of the kids Halloween costumes 😵‍💫


Poll: in what year will Farcaster hit user distribution of >50% non-crypto?

In reply to @ccarella

think you'd just need a reputation system for that - negative attribution if you RSVP and no-show, so over time that person's RSVPs will give fewer points/lesser weighting. otherwise the other option is retroactive funding which for events will be very limiting to scale/type since ppl wont want to front $$

In reply to @les

web2 - geo-bound, government-issued/controlled, easy to game (someone gets hold of your SSN they can reek havoc) web3 - fragmented across diff chains, wallets, and bifurcated from web2 data (today no great way to link across). web3 identity to date has been address centric which typically doesnt tell us a whole lot


What morning ritual have you kept most consistently in your life?

In reply to @xxfounder

👋🏻 does seem pretty male dominated in here atm


I never have Sunday Scaries. Feels good to like what you do


In a space with so much continuous activity, how do you stay focused? Find myself continuously distracted by new ideas and shiny things

In reply to @matthew

Yea, 2 diff questions . Org design vs legal entity setup. Most projects in US have gone C-Corp and later set up Wyoming or BVI or similar for Foundation entity when they DAOify


It’s a beautiful day to be alive

In reply to @ace

man he needs to read the bio. incredible story


Just found my 2018 investment memo on Axie Infinity. They had only 200 DAUs and 2K Twitter followers at the time, but the piece is bullish and focuses on the novelty of ERC-721s & digital uniqueness. What investment predictions have you gotten right/wrong over the crypto cycles?

In reply to @ishika

in my 1pass don't @ me


Everyone tryna be a founder these days

In reply to @zenallies

small week-long retreats where people meet up in different locations around the world. intended to be for recharging but can take many diff forms - wellness/yoga, meditation, psychedelics, exploration over a certain topic, domain or concept


Hello world 🌎 Never rly took to Twitter, perhaps this is the start of something new...

In reply to @dwr

meditation, wellness, social retreats and meetups around the world. gig economy and freelancer strategies