In reply to @matthew
Chris Carella@ccarella

This is really cool. The hard thing about it is many people don’t show after RSPing and since there is no consequence to that it can be gamed. But definitely the beginning of great idea here. Would love to see Purple experiment with it.

In reply to @ccarella

think you'd just need a reputation system for that - negative attribution if you RSVP and no-show, so over time that person's RSVPs will give fewer points/lesser weighting. otherwise the other option is retroactive funding which for events will be very limiting to scale/type since ppl wont want to front $$

In reply to @ccarella

thanks and great points… hard to solve for no-shows, it’s an age old problem. having said that, i think @2dollarbaby is right that we could have some system of negative rep. maybe a community could choose to institute a penalty if you don’t show to an event (another feature idea! 😅)