Kevin Coale@coachcoale

GA. What’s the ONE THING that matters most to you these days? Your non-negotiable?

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maskzilla 🌹@zilla

Trust, really. I want people to know they can trust me and vice versa. Especially in the web3 space, it's crucial.

In reply to @coachcoale
Dragonbane Creation@dragonbanec

GA. Creating an external life that resonates perfectly with my internal life. Having everything at the same quality and level of consciousness.

In reply to @coachcoale
Alex Kwon@ace

dream, family, love is all I need to feel alive. so rn, it’s @perl, family, love.

In reply to @coachcoale
Alex Palmer@thatalexpalmer

Biopscychosocial health.

In reply to @coachcoale
Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

not having to keep up with bullshit :)

In reply to @coachcoale

Breakfast with my 20-month old. Nothing gets in the way

In reply to @coachcoale

Spending time chatting with my out of state parents / grandparents at least once a week. Keeps me grounded and energized to make the most of the opportunities they’ve given me.

In reply to @coachcoale
Daniel Olarte@od

Balance, every time that I manage to spend quality time with my family and I’m more productive and effective when I’m working on my company

In reply to @coachcoale
Zen Allies NFT 🪷 @zenallies

if these aren't the most wholesome comments ever. non-negotiable: creating solutions. giving up is not an option anymore :)

In reply to @coachcoale
Cassie Heart@cassie

An inviolable, uncorrupted commitment to a mission worth fighting for.

In reply to @coachcoale
Kevin Quinn@kq

For me - it’s not getting caught up with anything that doesn’t make me happy. Life is too short…if it doesn’t bring me happiness, I usually try to avoid.

In reply to @coachcoale

I’ve been taking more time to prioritize self reflection (mostly through journaling). It’s become an important routine to make sure I’m checking in with myself and listening to my intuition