
Branding's catching the '80s wave again. Condensed serifs, punchy layouts, and a nostalgia for a past seen through rose-tinted glasses. Seems like in design, sometimes the past really was 'better'...


I love these places where you find endless inspiration and travel from one design studio to another.... What are your favorite repositories where to look for references? 🫧

In reply to @antimofm.eth

Some people have mined several to give to friends or colleagues. Others I suppose for secondary sales. I have not had any idea why one person with several has more decision than another. But in the end it all depends on the decisions of the community.


Last 5 days to mint BRICKS! 🧱 Give Me Five! 👋

In reply to @esdotge

This reflection always resonates in my head. And the truth is that he is right. I even related it to the sculptor who removes pieces of marble until he reaches the final piece of art...

In reply to @esdotge

A philosopher who was invited to the course concluded that to design was to impoverish the world. I argue that of all the solutions and possibilities that exist, we, the designers, are eliminating options and selecting a final minimum.

In reply to @esdotge

When I took a course on philosophy and design the ultimate goal was to create a synthetic definition of design. Almost everyone said that design is problem solving. But our professor said that solving problems didn't have to be design...

In reply to @antimofm.eth

I like to think about design from the broadest and most abstract point of view. For me practically everything that surrounds us has a design and someone has been part of the decisions of its form or its motives, whether good or bad...


Last week to mint BRICKS 🧱 If you're a designer, If you're a creator, If you're a builder... SHARE IT!


GM Welcome Wall 🧱 Brick by brick the beginning of the BRICKS community is filling up with GMs... Will you join the Figma Jam?

In reply to @tim

Web2 — Figma Airchat ChatGPT Web3 — Farcaster Mirror Zora


Brick by Brick... 🧱 (Refresh Metadata)