
Farcaster is a single-tribe network, not a social network. Big difference.

In reply to @balajis

A single-tribe network is a better name for what I was calling* a 1-network. It's a social network where there is only one tribe. There isn't yelling or squabbling to the same extent because people have been pre-filtered on values. * See:

In reply to @balajis
Dylan Field@zoink

I do wonder how quickly networks need to become multi-tribe to stay relevant for the long term

In reply to @balajis
MC10 | Bankless Consulting 🎯@mc10

What's more valuable for the users, a single-tribe network or a social network?

In reply to @balajis

do you anticipate Farcaster evolving into a multi-tribe network?

In reply to @balajis

That's very true. However, we can grow and try to keep that in mind, by creating cyber-tribes, or sub-tribes on Farcaster, segregated by their Web3 signature (NFT holding, etc..)

In reply to @balajis
Lex Sokolin@lex

Is that a social network that doesn’t work, or like, our beautiful mad max metaverse future?

In reply to @balajis
Jason Goldberg @betashop

prob more accurate to say that the current users of this particular FC client seem to be very like minded or single tribe, but could change as more people join FC also only shows you posts from people you follow, so more tribes could exist that u don’t 👀 FC as a protocol tho has no opinions

In reply to @balajis
Pranav Yerabati@yeradaoti

Does that mean each single-tribe network I am a part of, could be one of the various “puzzle pieces” that make me me and not someone else, if my digital identity were in fact interoperable across all?

In reply to @balajis
barton ⊛@bmorphism

Yes! Zulip has incredibly focused single-tribe networks as well, but their max size is capped at total # of experts. Farcaster tribe succeeds at a more balanced member graph, not just one focused on expertise-gated outer reaches of human experience 📐

In reply to @balajis

A web of interoperable single-tribe networks is the future. It's really how civil society has evolved, more so than purely unguarded ‘social networks’.

In reply to @balajis
Adrienne 🌱@adrienne

At this moment in time definitely Forever though? 🤷‍♀️ I no longer even pretend to predict the future with any certainty - I leaned that from someone I admire (🫵 🤣)

In reply to @balajis

I agree but also feel like @v and @dwr are doing this deliberately to learn how to scale quality communities with the end goal of being multi network. Aka this is a strategy not an end goal. Time will tell, and it’s exciting to see it happen in real time

In reply to @balajis

Single vs. multi requirement comes down to the business model in the end. Can you make enough revenues to sustain your social network? This David Foster Wallace point is still valid and Twitter seems to have struggled with it always:

In reply to @balajis

One of the more intriguing threads I’ve seen here yet. The idea of interoperable single tribe networks is provocative. In some ways, isn’t this what DAOs are attempting?

In reply to @balajis

Is that because it's still so small?

In reply to @balajis
jacob ☼@jacob

Tribal network.

In reply to @balajis
Ivy Astrix@ivy

interesting parallel to clubhouse, it was a single-tribe network / tech-bro enclave until the tech vs music industry war started (proving out the one tribe lack of squabbling)