Vitalik Buterin@vbuterin

What do people think of the idea that Farcaster might be *too polite*? Like, people love to rail against the toxicity of twitter, but ultimately it's a PvP MMORPG and lots of people really enjoy the PvP - if not participating, then at least seeing some fireworks in the background...

In reply to @vbuterin
Matko Ceco@cecko

It could be, but my opinion is farcaster community is made of people with similar ideas and similar views. Almost the whole community is web3-focused. As the community grows, there will probably be more arguments and debates, hopefully quality ones.

In reply to @vbuterin
Kazi @kazi

I like the behaviour dichotomy between the twitter and Farcaster. Clear thoughts, evidence backed discourse is how we should aim to communicate at all times

In reply to @vbuterin
Zohaib Ali@fractalqualia

I come from a country where polarization has gotten into the Supreme court. I prefer polite people helping each other build cool stuff. Low-key I want farcaster to be invite only long term.

In reply to @vbuterin
0xen (state-affiliate media)@0xen

relevant thread:

In reply to @vbuterin

How should a real caster fill this blank? "When they go low, we _______" Imo politeness is certainly a feature.

In reply to @vbuterin

Integrating GIF search + attachments would go a long way… stirring shit up is easy when you can be condescending without saying a word 😎

In reply to @vbuterin

Quality PvP is acceptable. Tried of keyboard-amy on twitter who provides nothing but negative duty words.

In reply to @vbuterin

nothing against pvp. It‘s simply oversaturated with bait, dense, worst assuming exchanges and a lot of bitterness. That‘s not a pvp i enjoy to involve myself in. Not worth the fireworks if a stranger is shouting in the same ear you triyng to listen to the conversation to. FC more polite than twitter, not too

In reply to @vbuterin
Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

Some people like PvP, and some prefer PvE. I think there should be room for both

In reply to @vbuterin

Make your own client and let people have at it

In reply to @vbuterin
Dinesh Raju@dineshraju

Twitter can be the Colosseum. Spectators satisfy their bloodlust and schadenfreude by watching the main characters fight it out. A healthy society needs more than a Colosseum though. Farcaster can be the main park or library.

In reply to @vbuterin

I think it’s also because the farcaster community was curated vs a free for all

In reply to @vbuterin

Haha, I'm sure this will inevitably happen as Farcaster gets more users. With quantity comes crazy people and competition for attention

In reply to @vbuterin
tim 🥝@timdaub

no, I think u shouldn‘t say this. The kindness here is nice and it is like a refugium. It‘s much harder here to be mean to others (u won‘t get likes), e.g. to criticize u can crack a joke or make a meme about the issue and ultimately that‘ll have more impact than straight up venting out the PvP anger.

In reply to @vbuterin
ted (not lasso) 🐄@ted

Twitter often feels like toddlers fighting over toys in preschool whereas Warpcast feels like adolescents participating in the Harkness method at high school. I’ll opt-in to the one that’s more conducive to learning, although it could use a little more spice.

In reply to @vbuterin
fufu prophet@frdysk

Live long enough to be the villain

In reply to @vbuterin

I like the difference. Twitter makes me instantly grumpy for many many many reasons 😂

In reply to @vbuterin

Farcaster is like coming back home, sitting by the fireplace and listening to a great podcast. I use both platforms extensively but I seek shelter here. I'd love to see more users sure, with very different backgrounds here, but let the network grow organically, attracting those who are looking for something different.

In reply to @vbuterin
Kevin Quinn@kq

This might be true, but imho, there’s a PvE element here where we are seeing cross-faction & cross-guild seemingly working together to BUILD the world that they are living in, leveling up professions, completing quests, and ideally taking down some OP raid/world bosses along the way. If all else, we can just /dance.

In reply to @vbuterin
Chaotic Neutral@jayce

No. I’d rather people disagreeing intelligently than shitheads shitposting. When people craft online personae, everything they do becomes flat, vapid reality tv. To me, the chemical makeup of the firework is far more interesting than the firework show itself.

In reply to @vbuterin
Kevin Quinn@kq

This might be true - Imho, there’s a PvE element here where there’s cross-faction and cross-guild collaboration working together to BUILD the world that they are living in, leveling up professions, completing quests, and taking down some raid/world bosses along the way. Others just like to spectate and /dance.

In reply to @vbuterin
Cafe Con Criptos@cafeconcriptos

It will happend when Farcaster became more popular 😌🤷‍♂️

In reply to @vbuterin

I do think about an increasing echo chamber. But in the early days it’s probably okay to be “polite” but not blatantly supportive of every thing every single person utters. No way to be objective about it (though someone with a data science bg could try).

In reply to @vbuterin
Daniel Lombraña@teleyinex

I'm active here, on Lens and Twitter. I love how people are here. No bots, real people with real interactions. More importantly: people disagree and respect each other. We have back the so lost netiquette. I really hope Farcaster keeps it like this. Quality over quantity.

In reply to @vbuterin

Yeah fc is boring because it seems people on here mostly like to talk about NFTs and post pictures of food.

In reply to @vbuterin
Nick Smith@nicksmith

Farcaster is more like a digital commune than a social platform

In reply to @vbuterin

Farcaster is anger management tool

In reply to @vbuterin
Camer😩n Armstrong@cameron

Is this about seeing more disagreement in discussions or about seeing emotions flare?

In reply to @vbuterin
HashBrown Research@hashbrown

We have did plenty of research on Web3 Social Platforms, and we totally agree with you! Farcaster is more “professional” or “serious” as compared to other platforms! Of course it depends on the individual's perspective on whether they consider it a pro or a con.

In reply to @vbuterin
Robin A.@degenroot

Farcaster atm is ~12K total users, with around ~3K monthly active users. I think, as total user numbers grow social entropy will increase. Right now, there is only a few number of groupings, as these will increase you will see exactly what you are talking about, it will become more competitive.

In reply to @vbuterin

I don’t see the mmorpg part though

In reply to @vbuterin
Manish Kumar Singh@manishks

I for one would like to not see toxicity on Warcaster. I don't mind argumentative back and forth though.

In reply to @vbuterin
brian is not live@briang

yea it’s too polite I been saying this people fighting on Twitter is hilarious people love to rag on twitters toxicity and how FC is much less toxic, but then spend 4.5 minutes a week on FC

In reply to @vbuterin

Too polite from the perspective of a single user or the protocol as a whole? Many people’s stated preference is “I like the politeness because it’s different than Twitter” but their revealed preference is spending more time in Elon’s PvP arena. It’s better UX to have both options, but limits FC engagement

In reply to @vbuterin
Varun Srinivasan@v

*checks date*

In reply to @vbuterin
Connor McCormick@nor

Fuck off

In reply to @vbuterin

What do you think of the idea that Ethereum might be too complicated? Like, people love to rail against centralized fiat, but ultimately it's a physical world and lots of people trust hard cash - if not owning much, at least hoping to.

In reply to @vbuterin

Social spaces will eventually drop to the lowest common denominator as they grow. Warpcast is still so small it just hasn’t experienced much of a drop yet. It’s important to segment users and activity in a way that fits their desires. It’s why the TikTok for you feed works so well.

In reply to @vbuterin

It may be, but I believe that people in the farcaster community share similar ideas and viewpoints.

In reply to @vbuterin

Is this your opinion with the CCP topics as well?

In reply to @vbuterin

Vitalik this is total nonsense. I don’t know where you get these ideas. I can’t believe my entire net worth is in your hands

In reply to @vbuterin
Zach French@zachfrench

I don’t think you have to impolite to have open and honest discourse. It’s more of a question of more people engaging in more thought provoking discussions. Right now we are conditioned to wait for people like yourself (well known) to start the discussion, that should change over time 🤞

In reply to @vbuterin

There is nothing wrong with having a platform with minimal toxicity, that rewards sharing information with resources and being helpful, and is a pleasure to participate in. If anything, we need more platforms like this. PvP may be more fun for some, but it’s not doing much to move humanity forward.

In reply to @vbuterin

🤨🧐🙄😒 define “too polite”

In reply to @vbuterin

be the change you want to see

In reply to @vbuterin

Only if we're intentionally and aggressively self-censoring, resulting in pseudo politeness. I think the people here genuinely don't like conflict and/ or genuinely have better shit to do than engage in low-quality, divisive political rhetoric. That won't always be true, ofc. A bastion of sanity never prevails.

In reply to @vbuterin

Because anyone can build a different client with the Farcaster protocol, I see Warpcaster culture as neutral to good.

In reply to @vbuterin
borodutch 🙅🥝@borodutch

twitter = us farcaster = canada i like 🚾 for all the same reasons i like canada and that's why i live here and not in states

In reply to @vbuterin

If you want Farcaster to become a PvP MMORPG i can definitely help

In reply to @vbuterin

Not possible. If people want a PvP, create a separate client, ‘Fightcaster’ or ‘Toxicaster’.

In reply to @vbuterin

think every community is unique and figures itself out over time. reddit/ twitter/ linkedin are all unique communities no reason why farcaster should be like one of them. this is a feature, not a bug

In reply to @vbuterin

Right now Farcaster is small. The social norms we establish today will inevitably be diluted when the protocol opens to the public.

In reply to @vbuterin
Andrei O.@andrei0x309

Echo chambers generally have far fewer disagreements. The market for creating such spaces is huge because disputes take a lot of effort and generally will hurt feelings, but that does not mean they can't be constructive. Positivity and hype can be as toxic as any kind of lack of consensus and fierce disagreements.

In reply to @vbuterin

I would say it’s just a different scene, Twitter is more open pvp and generalized opinion, whereas the surface wilderness here is a bit more Ranger/Mage combo clan. Think the diversity on Twitter is good but this is more EdTech and quest, not political snipe and sandwich

In reply to @vbuterin
Alex Palmer@thatalexpalmer

I think it’s an adequate level of polite here and disagree with that being an accurate description of Twitter. Arguing doesn’t have to be obnoxious or belligerent. The same applies to stating facts. There are always people who enjoy conflict more than others.

In reply to @vbuterin

Marc once said that a killer feature of Twitter was getting to dunk on your enemies. I like the smooth jazz feel of Farcaster but toggle to T for death metal. World PvP servers vs opt-in battlegrounds? I put a few hundred hours into DeSo and thought the same. Total PvE situation.

In reply to @vbuterin

Currently, the socialfi of web3 are not very good, and they cannot pose a threat to web2 social. Therefore, I put hope in farcaster

In reply to @vbuterin
Ryan Hoover@rrhoover

HN has a similar dynamic to Twitter. Unfortunately attacks and pessimism drive engagement and perhaps that's ultimately what people want to read.

In reply to @vbuterin

@dwr invite curation just not toxic enough 🤷‍♂️

In reply to @vbuterin

LOL. This will definitely change as more and more users onboard. Humans can be ruthless.

In reply to @vbuterin

Well, the conversation/engagement on Farcaster is, anyways, only active within a few circles. Hence, it seems very polite.

In reply to @vbuterin

Interesting; I think Clubhouse went in this direction to rival Twitter as a go-to place for culture and sensational discourse. However, it threw the overall experience out of balance, and people left the app. Maybe Clubhouse transitioned too soon, or Twitter is one of one in this regard?

In reply to @vbuterin
Daniel Keller@dak

there is no Weird Farcaster, and that is indeed a problem

In reply to @vbuterin
Jason Goldberg @betashop

It’s because it’s still a very close niche network and no one wants to offend anyone It’s more like a super size focused telegram group than a public forum

In reply to @vbuterin
Eseoghene @eseoghene

I think the difference in tone on farcaster and twitter is like a breathe of fresh air.

In reply to @vbuterin
Jacob Friedman @jrf

Perhaps everything starts out "too polite," and then creativity, ego and the desire to control create fireworks for passers-by to either engage with or ignore?

In reply to @vbuterin

Yeah, that’s probably true, but it works for those among us who are too polite and earnest for social media with a heavy PvP culture. We’ll have to see what happens when Hubs and permissionless signups are both humming. I imagine that a few groups will self-organize into hardcore PvP Hubs.

In reply to @vbuterin
Sriram Krishnan@sriramk

Oh shut it Vitali…ok I can’t do it.

In reply to @vbuterin

What's the point in even responding 14hrs later on a platform full of hyper-addicted attention whores #zing

In reply to @vbuterin
Noah Bragg@nbragg

I love kind people that are willing to help each other. I'd see this as a differentiator for FC at least for the time being. Lean into it!

In reply to @vbuterin

Farcaster almost feels like… everyone is by default friendly and interested in hearing what you have to say. Twitter is …. yelling into a microphone alongside others doing the same thing to MAYBE get some attention

In reply to @vbuterin

I believe @briang has been saying this for a while, would you go on his show to discuss?

In reply to @vbuterin

I have argued with people on FC. Although not often 😅 Feels more like a smallish Telegram chat than a social platform on which no one knows each other so hard to really get into conflict (and probably not smart either)

In reply to @vbuterin

Challenge accepted. Vitalik, we don’t need your dictatorship here. Controlling eth isn’t enough, you also want to tell us how to run FC? You’re a wannabe Satoshi and eth is going to 0. Do I at least score a 5/10 for impoliteness?

In reply to @vbuterin

This is why I love farcaster though, where I can hv a peaceful mind

In reply to @vbuterin

Uhm I’m actually enjoying the rational discussions here. Not as much noise as on Twitter

In reply to @vbuterin
Ryan Anderson@ra

I confess I’ve seen a lot of stupid opinions and bad takes on FC and I seem to be less inclined to point it out here than Twitter. Maybe the size of the audience makes it more intimate and at the same time less worth calling out knowing that millions aren’t going to see it.

In reply to @vbuterin

I believe there have been some scathing take downs on this app and at the same time they are nuanced and thoughtful. There are fewer trolls, and I have not felt shitposting bots have a place. And still, polite != not contentious.

In reply to @vbuterin
Jesse Eckel@jesseeckel

I’m sure with time Farcaster grow to have more conflicting opinions and ideas. It’s just so early in it’s growth cycle. Early social media was pretty polite as well as it was mostly friends who all got along.

In reply to @vbuterin

Fuck you vitalik

In reply to @vbuterin

say something nice about ccp

In reply to @vbuterin
Venkatesh Rao ☀️@vgr

I think the politeness is a side effect of there not bring significant conflict fault-lines, which in turn is due to the crypto-positive self-selection filter. Correlates with a lot else.

In reply to @vbuterin

Perhaps because the Farcaster community is still small, I believe the tension will increase as more people with differing views join. However, Mr. dwr may step in and mediate to keep everyone polite.

In reply to @vbuterin

be yourself

In reply to @vbuterin

I keep thinking one group that wouldn't feel "as at home" on FC are the MEV crew, despite a blockchain native platform potentially being a better fit. Not that they are "impolite", but there def seems to be something there. Not as much of an "anon-discord" vibe, for better, or worse :)

In reply to @vbuterin

If I’m being too polite - I apologize.

In reply to @vbuterin

I’m not concerned with too polite. I’m concerned with whether people are writing how they really feel. Even if you really negatively you can still write it in a nice way.

In reply to @vbuterin

go fuck yourself (kidding)

In reply to @vbuterin
William Mougayar@wmougayar

This is a bit how Twitter started. It was benign, innocent and mostly polite. I think Farcaster’s issue right now is not having users. So, the early adopters are polite. Soon, it will be more crowded across the spectrum of behaviours.

In reply to @vbuterin
Kelly McCoy@dbkw

Reframe… what do people think about Farcaster having found a way to slay Moloch? As a broader community we’ve been inundated with bad actors who were quick to toxicity to get their short term gains at the cost of our long term success. Farcaster is the one place I am not constantly being invited to a rug pull.

In reply to @vbuterin
Tempe Techie @tempetechie

We are yet to find a group that we strongly disagree with 😛

In reply to @vbuterin

Shots 🔥 in the background its a qr code dm me 4 link

In reply to @vbuterin

a little spice would be nice, but it’s probably polite because the community is small. in time it should grow to be just a little more like twitter

In reply to @vbuterin
Rachel S T Wood@rachelstwood

I think that’s a symptom of a culture that has lost touch with what’s important. I think Twitter is a reflection of what’s wrong with society. I would like Farcaster and web3 to be better. Have better people. Doing cool shit.

In reply to @vbuterin
Ranya Afify @ranyafify

It’s because it’s just ‘us’ only for now. This community is all wholesome till the ‘others’ join lol and speaking of politeness let me just say: it’s a huge honour to meet you here! Thank you for your contribution to this world? May I say. Is this too much 😁

In reply to @vbuterin
zian @zian

from my pov, usually the early adopters are looking to grow the platform they are on and i think its pretty natural to do it thru *polite* manners at first cause thats the quickest. the toxicity in the end might be just another test of resistance

In reply to @vbuterin

Well, small user base keeps the stakes pretty low and the attention incentives are missing. There isn't much to lose or win so the behavioral drivers are benign. Come scale and algorithmic discovery...

In reply to @vbuterin

I also think there might be something about kids / middle schoolers being the group of humans that ultimately choose the next major social media. One that becomes global and gains mass adoption

In reply to @vbuterin
Ashutosh Trikha@ashu

Politeness is a more effective medium for intellectual conversation. However, such behavior is often nuanced, causing it to lack cultural relevance, resulting in less engagement. Is farcaster optimizing for a specific utility or general engagement?

In reply to @vbuterin

The world is short on polite. Decency is a valuable commodity here

In reply to @vbuterin

unfortunately good manners and a basic modicum of respek are a strange now.

In reply to @vbuterin

I also think Farcaster looks and feels too much like Twitter. It doesn't 'feel' different

In reply to @vbuterin

I don't mind that. Maybe my biggest qualm with Warpcast right now is that it 'feels' and looks too much like Twitter

In reply to @vbuterin
Jack McDermott@jackmcdermott

Maybe! Content creators like yourself could get more (valid) criticism from Twitter and more (positive) thoughtful feedback from Farcaster, and it’s good to get both! Want to be able to cross-post to both next week with the Farcaster client @yup? If so DM me

In reply to @vbuterin

Think there are different venues for different needs. If Twitter is global square where things go wild, maybe(?) farcaster is the local park where it’s pleasant, filled with trees and with events to enjoy together.

In reply to @vbuterin

@atlas summary 💜 Farcaster Etiquette 😌