
If the world is to flee into a digital asset, Bitcoin just isn’t going to cut it. Bitcoin is difficult to transact. It’s difficult to trade without a third party taking custody. Mining is energy intensive and physical centralized. It hardly suffices for that role at this time.

In reply to @mk

It’s also too concentrated. It would result in more wealth disparity than what already exists.

In reply to @mk


In reply to @mk
Alberto Ornaghi@alor

What’s difficult in transacting BTC?

In reply to @mk

If this were to happen over night, probably BTC and ETH. With greater flows to ETH/SOL/L2s over time- faster txs, smart contracts, deep dev communities. BTC would be around as a stable coin or bond type asset at that point.

In reply to @mk
Fred Blauer@fblauer

I quite agree. But many people are looking at it as a substitute for gold, which is even more difficult to transact, energy intensive etc there is a perception that it is the most decentralized and secure. I don't know if that is true

In reply to @mk

If we get anywhere near a real banking/tradfi failure, we'll actually need a full credibly neutral, decentralized, permissionless financial *system* (DEXs, lending, capital formation, notary, etc) Ethereum is the complete escape hatch.

In reply to @mk

ppl been transacting for goods with BTC since the early days, that itself is easy the hard part is USD conversion which wouldn't be a problem at that point we also saw mining undergo an extreme stress event w/ China ban two years ago if that didn't kill mining not sure what would stop it now

In reply to @mk
Jai Bhavnani@jaibhavnani

Yet it has the most memetic value to replace USD, so far

In reply to @mk
Brent Fitzgerald@bf

Agreed. The world fully embracing bitcoin would further incentivize mining and accelerate its environmental impact. We need to do better.

In reply to @mk
Matt Lee @mattlee

Energy will become cheaper especially for geography-independent uses. Doesn’t slowness make it more secure?

In reply to @mk
Devin Elliot@notdevin

This perspective is always a foreign concept to me. Bitcoin provides an always on pricing reference. This function to a network of value is = to the timing function provide by an atomic clock to a data network The lack of features is true of course, but that itself is a feature not a bug

In reply to @mk

In a true meltdown we’ll probably see ~3 chains emerge as schelling points for different needs Btc for security and stability despite drawbacks. Eth for complexity and best balance of all worlds. Some high throughput shitcoin for coffee.

In reply to @mk

imo, bitcoin isn't supposed to be transacted as frequent as the dollar, its a store of value but you swap it for your local currency when you need to use it

In reply to @mk

is holding/ transacting WBTC on ethereum a more practical solution?not sure how WBTC pegged to BTC tho

In reply to @mk
Daniel Lombraña@teleyinex

Do you think that in the case of Bitcoin or any other crypto replacing paper money, governments will not try to touch internet providers? Would love to know how difficult would be to transact if govs intervine network providers. We don't have a decentralized web without big corps right now unfortunately.

In reply to @mk

None of those prohibits it from being a sizable, alternative sanctuary for the extremely wealthy, though. Not a BTC maxi but I do find the value prop compelling, and will always own *some*

In reply to @mk

I wouldn’t recommend it to friends and family who’ll be exit liquidity if they bought in.

In reply to @mk
Roman Giler@romang86

It’s the most immutable chain we have, from speculative reasons that is why it might become the digital version of store of value, if you believe that narrative. I am on the fence but to be honest I haven’t seen a better asset in crypto for long term value proposition.

In reply to @mk
Syed Shah 🏴‍☠️🌊@syed

Knowing Polygon’s biz dev watch it be them.