ted (not lasso)@ted

cringe confession: i realize i kinda judge people who tweet a lot but don’t cast often (or at all) because i assume the twitter dopamine rush matters more to them than the joy of knowledge sharing. what do you think is the real reason? if not tweets, then what factors could be good predictors of Warpcast activity?

In reply to @ted

Can’t comment on the difference since I’ve only been on here a hot minute - but wanted to say I love the way you said “joy of knowledge sharing” So wholesome

In reply to @ted
Ivy Astrix@ivy

farcaster defies patterns

In reply to @ted
Noah Bragg@nbragg

But maybe they are experiencing the joys of knowledge sharing and sharing it to more people.

In reply to @ted
Joey DeBruin@joey

Switching cost/cold start. Especially as the network has grown and the @dwr recast trigger finger has gotten slower, the assumption that casts on FC will get more thoughtful engagement relative to your existing Twitter audience is not as true as it used to be.

In reply to @ted

i much rather cast than tweet -- a lot more genuine of an audience here and i feel i can be a lot more open. used to have a more niche community on twitter but even then it didn't feel as close and the convo wasn't as rich as it is here.

In reply to @ted
Adrienne 🌱@adrienne


In reply to @ted

I have diff vibes on both and it’s easier to speak on my twtr voice sometimes so I reach for it I think for onboarding in social u have to be quickly put in smth that matches ur vibe to make it stick Not sure how that translates into predictor tho ha

In reply to @ted
tim reilly@tldr


In reply to @ted

Funny enough - I dont tweet at all. Not sure how I got sucked into wanting to engage more here. I also seem to get more engagement on this end. I rarely open twitter now

In reply to @ted
Jeff Feiwell@hyper


In reply to @ted

I'm new here and tbh I'm not totally sure how to find community. Starting from scratch after grinding on twitter doesn't feel too fun, but they said this was where the builders were so I came

In reply to @ted
Erin Magennis@erin

Psychological safety On Twitter they could have more friends w/ more shared interests & feel like they belong. Or they like feeling heard & engagement helps that. A top predictor of workplace engagement/retention is having a best friend at work. Having one Warped Best Friend would likely result in high activity here

In reply to @ted

i asked my partner this question and she thinks that the content here is too intellectual / builder-oriented. it almost requires *too much* thought to cast and engage, whereas twitter feels more effortless / casual vibes here aren't bad – just niche – and depending on your niche you'll tend to post more in one pl

In reply to @ted

TBH, this is not something worthy of any thought exercise. Knowledge sharing both here and on Twitter, and Keet, and Urbit, and Zion, and Status, and Lens, and Discord, and TG, and IG is all the while possible whilst having or not having any dopamine rush.

In reply to @ted
Yuga 🔵@yuga

knowledge sharing is simply another form of dopamine collection wrapped in virtue signaling

In reply to @ted

Lack of a web/Linux client, I generally don't love dopamining on my phone.

In reply to @ted

I mean, don't judge people lest ye be judged. In any case, I've found that my farcaster timeline moves much slower than twitter. So after a few times opening the app and seeing the same casts, I'd forget to open it for a few days. Building up enough high value casters such that it moves at the same speed is work.

In reply to @ted

I see three main reasons to tweet or cast: engagement (broad), connection (personal), and reach (amplification). Farcaster excels at connection and even engagement right now, but it’s not matching reach yet. By that logic it’s smartest to both tweet and cast, so thanks for the reminder about casting!

In reply to @ted

I didn’t even know this app existed until 2 weeks ago. I am in both places because I’m a holder in a few pfp communities with large user bases on Twitter.

In reply to @ted

Farcaster>> Twitter atleast for me