
What happened to HN? Not snarky; serious question. If one of the most interesting sites on the web can fall victim to widespread cynicism and pessimism, how can we avoid the same thing happening here in the future? See also: Reddit.

In reply to @phil
Dragonbane Creation@dragonbanec

Why do you want to prevent old things from dying? It is not possible to prevent sick and old websites from decaying and dying, the same you cannot prevent a person from getting old and dying. These websites will be replaced by young and healthy ones. The circle of website life

In reply to @phil

It has something to do with the way in which engagement is rewarded right? It would be dope if somehow people just voluntarily decided to not reward bad behavior with engagement and instead just ignored it into extinction.

In reply to @phil
Cassie Heart@cassie

HN has always been notorious for believing they’re special geniuses & all else ahead of the game are somehow wrong & on the precipice of failure. It’s easy to sound smart by being a critic & tearing others down, hard to build against headwinds & succeed so their nature of criticality is sustained by occasional fail

In reply to @phil

How is this not a legit POV based on what Elon has put Twitter employees through over the last 6 months? I agree HN sucks but developers being pissed that a man child can bat them around like a plaything sounds pretty normal to me

In reply to @phil

HN has been toxic for a while, I stopped reading it because of the rapid decline in quality of commens, like 3-4 years ago

In reply to @phil

I don’t think we can, it’s the lifecycle of every social platform

In reply to @phil

David Karp's theory when building Tumblr was no comments only upvoting (hearts) was the key to a positive community. It worked.

In reply to @phil

If you run it through an RSS reader you can browse all the cool links sans commentary 😎

In reply to @phil
Serpin Taxt@png

you need unbiased algorithms for promoting content without introducing echo chambers and bias

In reply to @phil

Humm, what about building a HN alternative based on Farcaster protocol, I know there have been some attempts using Lens.

In reply to @phil
Sam Iglesias@sam

Someone should make a time capsule HN that goes 10, 15 years in the past and shows how much better comparatively the discourse was. It was shockingly good.

In reply to @phil
JB Rubinovitz@rubinovitz

This is one of the problems with not curating your platform well/“free speech”. If you don’t downrank posts like this on your platform, it is no longer free for positive people to post on the platform. Its cognitively expensive to deal with negativity and bullshit. So you will rarely find tech optimists on HN

In reply to @phil

I’m not sure I understand the obsession to protect free speech, at least not the way it’s framed today. You should be able to say what you think and challenge people’s thoughts but what’s the value in spreading blatantly wrong info or sharing hateful content? We can protect the former without allowing the latte

In reply to @phil
Les Greys@les

my guess: digital communities need space (can’t crowding so many “identities” into the same room of 1 party) The core of the web3 design space is giving digital communities much needed space, 1-10k collections, token-gating, etc. Space hopefully will create new fondness. Actually…

In reply to @phil

not new