How to win competition when users have zero switching costs and code is forkable. On building moats in web3 🧵
1 Competition is the art of acquiring, managing and leveraging scarce resources to create advantage. Competition follows scarcity. And when new technology shifts what is scarce, the competition game changes.
Thoughtful thread and I broadly agree though I’d add -calling out brand explicitly as a differentiator (built through a core teams releasing and extending features) and -Value added service layers outside of pure dev work that aren’t forkable. Think implementation, customer support, etc which devs hate doing
It is possible you don't need moats at all, depending on how you can answer these questions. Bc of the open nature of web3 users might develop repertoires of products they use (being promiscuous instead of loyal)
‘Development’ as the scarce resource of web3 is a fascinating frame.