In reply to @aman
Venkatesh Rao ☀️@vgr

Yep. Still working out the thesis. Write a series about it on my newsletter. Short version: cryptocurrencies/blockchains = cryptography + economics. The economics piece is not optional. AI needs an economics not just a secrecy tech

In reply to @vgr

EpistemiCoin: A cryptocurrency that you mine by concentrating probability density tightly within the bounds of a predictive model for an empirical domain.

In reply to @vgr

look at Andrew Trasks work on crypto+ai if you haven’t already. He wrote Pysift which is a framework for federatedml (paradigm here crypto and ai coexist and take us forward in the age of edge compute and chaos)

In reply to @vgr
Aman Dhesi@aman

Why does it need economics and why does that economics need to run on crypto? It seems to me, crypto or no crypto, that AI has profound upside for knowledge work. Perhaps you’re claiming that a crypto economic system can mitigate the downside risk of AI?

In reply to @vgr
Eddy Lazzarin@eddy

the question of “who controls the system” is fundamental to crypto ppl, and its application to AI is obvious whereas AI ppl’s relationship with verifiable compute, economics, and privacy is not as obvious to them yey