In reply to @dwr

I am going to write a blog piece about this. I think web3's biggest issue is that people are mimicking the 2010's and everyone wants to build a platform and sell shovels during a gold rush, but no one is building apps. This should be an apps golden age. I think we need a shift.

In reply to @pushix
Dan Romero@dwr

I suspect the reason is it's harder!

In reply to @pushix
Diego Basch@dbasch

I know many people building apps. Having been been a part of web 1 and 2, web3 apps are just not that interesting to me. Normal people don't get excited about them, only crypto fans and maybe some gamers.

In reply to @pushix
Ludo Landry@ludo

IMO the reason is that to disrupt an existing service, the replacement needs to be an order of magnitude better for the end user, and so far “web3” does not unlock much for users. (We are 7 years later from @vbuterin’s post and ${x}B later)

In reply to @pushix

Word up !