Thumbs Up@thumbsup.eth

An argument for electric vehicles a lot of people miss is sovereignty You can live in the woods with no gas stockpile (or fuel supply network) and charge from a waterwheel, solar panel, woodfired steam engine, human power (dynamo), windmill, weird energy-emitting alien obelisk you found. Anything. That’s freedom.

Shower Thoughts
In reply to @thumbsup.eth

Also giant battery built in for deferring generated power (with V2L), allows you to be more opportunistic and more predictable reserves. Otherwise really hard to do on your own (maybe gravity batteries if you have access to hilly terrain).

Shower Thoughts
In reply to @thumbsup.eth
Brent 🎩@bf

Idk the sovereign carbon burning life could be fuel from corn moonshine or canola biodiesel.

Shower Thoughts