In reply to @hyper
Jonny Mack@nonlinear

🤨 love as a dimension that transcends time? murph’s change in perspective on her father’s sacrifice? the pursuit of the stars, the infinite frontier? bro…

In reply to @nonlinear
tldr (tim reilly)@tldr

I also liked how Nolan very effectively gets the audience into new experiences of “nature” and you can get a sense of how that would correspondingly shape our thoughts I could understand if someone finds the “love” point a bit saccharine, but it still functions well in the plot for me

In reply to @nonlinear
Jeff Feiwell@hyper

Look I love the meta narrative but it’s just not good lol. He lost me when Cooper not only snap calls near certain death et al after 5 mins and also the plot line of “oh hey we have this space ship just ready to go. Let’s offer this rusty pilot the job bc he randomly showed up.” Many such cases in the film