i agree the end state should be this, but the Q i ask myself is why is *now* the right time to launch that? imo, FC has provided value to many sides with its accessibility and its openness. it’s magical. what are the pros/cons of /nouns not being token-gated? if not many cons, is now the time to intro exclusivity?
exclusivity is precisely what made farcaster such an amazing place prior to permissionless. why? because of the romerogorithm. in order for fc to scale each channel host needs to become a dan. that won’t happen unless they have authentic ownership and real financial upside
Nouns works in public so it’s an awkward example but when it had a discord there was a (read-only) token gated channel and a non-token gated channel. It’s easier to coordinate and even weight opinions when you know everyone in the channel is a voter.
Nouns is a HUGE ecosystem even though it only has a few hundred members of Nouns DAO proper. Limiting the channel would be detrimental to proliferation. That said — a second token gated one might be useful. There are token gated discord channels for prop discussions.