communities are defined by boundaries: who can enter and who can’t channels are currently like hashtags: anyone can enter. gating would make them more like real communities this would give hosts more autonomy, agency, and a feeling of true ownership every host a founder
i agree the end state should be this, but the Q i ask myself is why is *now* the right time to launch that? imo, FC has provided value to many sides with its accessibility and its openness. it’s magical. what are the pros/cons of /nouns not being token-gated? if not many cons, is now the time to intro exclusivity?
What is the token gating? Only casting in a channel or reactions as well? The content is open for everyone on the network to read.
I like the idea that channels will not be exclusively token gated, but rather users who are members via token can opt into making the cast a private or members-only cast.