
Alright, gimme your reactions.

In reply to @nickbytes.eth

Seems like we're about how to have a bunch of bureaucracy, hall monitors, and red tape for AI startups. More wins for incumbents, but maybe more motivation for decentralized AI.

In reply to @nickbytes.eth
starship trooper@shoni.eth

Not even familiar but I want to chastise everybody not posting only models like gm8xx8- USA regulating ai is more silly than regulating crypto

In reply to @nickbytes.eth
Cassie Heart@cassie

Good luck regulating a decentralized IaaS. We called out such petty tyrant behavior and reject it whole cloth:

In reply to @nickbytes.eth

Watermarks on AI-generated content? If I interpret that right, it's going to be annoying if every AI-generated image has a watermark.

In reply to @nickbytes.eth

sort of prelude step, not good news anyway. one thing to note is that it qualifies *sum* of computational power, which means opensource distributed models will be susceptible, regardless of the power of the devices that train that model. it also probably means devices are getting jailbroken in the imminent future.