Venkatesh Rao ☀️@vgr

I’ve been mostly polite and diplomatic about the less wrong crowd, but officially flipping the bozobit hard on anyone who takes Yudkowsky seriously, let alone as their prime beacon. Guy has gone from tedious self-important blowhard to violent radical.

In reply to @vgr

Well i’m not terribly surprised since they went the “religion” and not “politics” way long ago, ie haven’t left themselves any face-saving way to back off, still sad to watch

In reply to @vgr
Ed O'Shaughnessy@eddieosh

They always seem to manage to get close to a meaningful insight or truth and then steer away at the last moment. For ppl that profess to question their priors they studiously avoid looking at their most important ones.

In reply to @vgr
Ariel Lau@lau

Lesswrong’s crowd prime directive is their neurotic fear of death. All that cryonics, effective altruism, AI alignment issues are stemming from the same root. Death is NaN in their Bayesian calculation. It’s > and < than everything else.