In reply to @tldr
Chaskin OnChain@chaskin.eth

Their docs are great but if you're more of a visual learner I made a walk through of how you can integrate it into your dapp via a simple demo Coding walk through starts @ 12:16

In reply to @chaskin.eth
tldr (tim reilly)@tldr

Will check this out thanks!!!

In reply to @chaskin.eth

I'm 7 minutes in and it's already mind blowing. One problem that it solves that I feel deeply about is when companies turn their faces on an entire country because there is a significant numbers of scammers there which leaves an even bigger number of legit business in ruin. I subbed on YT and wow again this was 👌

In reply to @chaskin.eth

Skimmed this, thanks @chaskin.eth - and lined up for a much deeper watch when I get my head into programming against EAS for reals. You really helped me out with your Privy video! That was a banger.