Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

I've seen a few things today referencing EIP-6551, the (draft) proposal for Token Bound Accounts (Bankless wrote about it here: and I figured I'd chime in. TL;DR: I don't think they're particularly exciting or innovative and they have a high potential for danger. 🧵👇

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

in the spirit of "truth in advertising"...

In reply to @alor
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

😧 this is distressing.

In reply to @pugson
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

In reply to @giu
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

As someone who was born in Florida and has lived in Miami, I'd like to point out that Miami is in Florida. Which, IMO, is a pretty drastic downside... maybe we can get them to secede?

In reply to @pfista
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Foundry is the way... learning a completely different API in a completely different language that goes out of its way to be magical and hide important details is a recipe for confusion. Also Hardhat tests are hella slow.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

🌳 GM 🌳

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Best Easter song? I’m going with Personal Jesus.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Thinking of opening an Indian restaurant. Torn between calling it Naan Stop and Naan Sequitir. My wife says if I don’t call it Naan Compos Mentis I’ll be Persona Naan Grata.

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

IMO programming is still best when ML/AI is used as a way to recollect and/or enhance as opposed to drive the effort. If you want to get a great and practical exposure to TS, I can’t recommend highly enough. Spaced repetition learning works really well for me. Well worth the annual plan.

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

FWIW, I think the programming experience in TS is a strict upgrade over the Java of 6 years ago (and today in most regards). Testing support (and a lot of server-side support) is much more mature there tbh, but the general programming experience in TS is much better.

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Typescript has made me lazier about true TDD. I’m currently more like “Test Last if it Feels Right”.

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

I’m still pretty selective about introducing new deps, but it’s a comparative free-for-all. Having a penchant for FP-styled TS has limited options in a way that limits some of that for me, I think.

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Lol, I feel you. I came to full stack Typescript from Clojure where everything was roll your own. After bathing in only my own preferences for 8 years, everything still feel icky :)

In reply to @notdevin
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

At a guess, it’s taking queues from Next.js on both counts.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Working with smart contract auditors should not be a contentious relationship. Starting from a baseline of "I'm paying you for this service and we are in a partnership" seems like the right framing to me, but that's yet to be my experience. Web3 definitely doesn't solve the "you're bad at humans" problem.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Just overheard my wife threaten our kids with Roko's Basilisk. I chose well in marrying her.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Excited to see @prberg on Farcaster. If you've done any amount of Solidity dev, chances are that you've used some of his work. Give him a follow!

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Watching PFP projects get interrogated about their solvency in the wake of SVB collapse right now. It’s a weird world we live in.

In reply to @mrmemes
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

If you're wondering WTF I'm talking about, this was prompted by @zen's excellent overview of how ERC-4337 will impact the space once it lands:

In reply to @mrmemes
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

I also can't help but wonder what happens to these SaaS companies offering these services once ERC-4337 lands on-chain... Definitely make sure you'll be getting additional value add (e.g. managing sponsored transactions) from the provider before you go with one.

In reply to @mrmemes
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

You get none of the guarantees about censorship resistance or any of the many other benefits of decentralization when you use a SaaS that is hosting its own implementation of Account Abstraction. That may be perfectly fine for your needs, but it bears consideration.

Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

I'm excited about EIP-4337, but everyone keeps talking about it like it's already here and it's still in Draft status. There are products that use a reference implementation, but please remember that this is a point of centralization and is unavoidable until `UserOperation` mempool is available via chain-level support.

In reply to @lajos
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

Also: TIL about the Kardashev Scale 😅