In reply to @thechandresh.eth
chandresh 🪴@thechandresh.eth

opencast — signed in via ethereum via both my ethereum accounts connected to farcaster, neither worked, tried sign in via warpcast, the qr code on my mobile (android) scans it and shows a text of farcaster:// request, however, no trigger to open warpcast, tried pasting it in browser, doesn't work

In reply to @thechandresh.eth
chandresh 🪴@thechandresh.eth

alphacaster — step 1 to connect wallet works smoothly, step 2 to connect warpcast just throws multiple errors, no idea how to move forward, tried multiple times

In reply to @thechandresh.eth

You have to have the seed phrase that warpcast generated for you in your ethereum wallet. Deep linking is unfortunately a warpcast issue - I’ve been told pasting that into an alternative mobile browser has helped