
I wrote this based on conversations I was having around farcaster this weekend. I plan to write more frequently if you are inclined to follow/subscribe.

In reply to @ccarella.eth
timdaub 🥝/🫦@timdaub.eth

IMO the nomenclature of (im)pure public goods is stupid. Here I go criticizing Havard-level eco academics... 1. non-excludable AND non-rivalrous is (pure) public good 2. non-excludable OR non-rivalrous is impure public good. But according to the public good definition, an impure public good then isn't (1) a PG. 1/x

In reply to @ccarella.eth

I was just about to say "there's no such thing as a public good". Then I decided I should see what you had to say first in case you defined your terms different than the classical definition. And lo and behold! You defined it in the first line and I can't contend with it!