Karthik Senthil@karthiksenthil

It's crazy how much the bird-app timeline is engineered to get you to keep scrolling. It takes every ounce of energy to stop. FC on the other hand is like a pleasant scroll in the park.

In reply to @karthiksenthil

I’ve been seeing a ton of praise like this recently, and while I (clearly!) also like Farcaster, most of it seems to be about there just being way fewer people here, as opposed to anything to do with the product itself?

In reply to @karthiksenthil
Karthik Senthil@karthiksenthil

The focus on protocol + ecosystem (vs. engagement/retention) is so refreshing

In reply to @karthiksenthil
Alex Roytenberg@alexroytenberg

It’s in part because of the auto start of videos, audio, bright colored ads and suggested posts “you might like”. Once you have the customer data and what they like you just keep feeding it to them like crack.

In reply to @karthiksenthil
Eric Kuhn@erickuhn19

It’s also nice to start fresh on who you follow

In reply to @karthiksenthil

It’s also that you as a farcaster have to put a bit of effort to find interesting conversations happening on FC! That effort means something here combined with unfiltered conversations.