In reply to @ccarella.eth
hellno the optimist 🍜🪩@hellno

🥹🥹 any area that I should expand on? and what is the most annoying for you?

In reply to @hellno

Sometimes I feel like I have to abandon the keyboard because I can’t figure out how to switch focus to other columns. If I’m looking at notifications for example and then a thread opens up in a new column. Right/Left Arrow or even Tab would be great.

In reply to @hellno

I also wish when people link to casts or twitter they would embed in-line.

In reply to @hellno

Would be cool to have some kind of snooze/reminder feature for casts. I feel like, superhuman-inspired, herocast is the best way to “work” on farcaster. For me that’s triaging notifications, replying to important casts in specific channels, etc. Snooze and scheduled casts would help.