In reply to @samantha

Iteration 5: Cold calling. The third day and 150 calls later I cried in front of my founder because I had only gotten nos. When I did get through, it was to the clinic manager. The clinics’ manager job is to reduce noise and increase op flow for the drs and patients. We were just a spammy rep to them.

In reply to @samantha

Iteration 6: Faxing. After getting a few yes’ in my second week cold calling, clinic managers would ask me to send a follow up fax with info. Now, faxes are only used for important information, like bloodwork or prescriptions. Everyday office managers sort 10s of faxes, without really looking at the specific content.

In reply to @samantha

cold calling is brutal, especially for so long with so many nos. how'd you keep your moral up to get through it?