In reply to @futureartist
Nick Cherry@nickcherry

We are (in theory) set up for Turborepo, but we aren't really leveraging it at the moment. So essentially we're just using Yarn workspaces, at least for desktop + web + pure Javascript packages (e.g. our data-fetching and hooks modules). The mobile app (and cryptography libs) also live in the monorepo,

In reply to @nickcherry
Alex Loukissas@futureartist


In reply to @nickcherry
Nick Cherry@nickcherry

but due to the quirks of React Native (notably that the Metro bundler doesn't support symlinks), I could not for the life of me get it to work, at least not with the desired DX (e.g. fast refresh on file change). To get to that point, we're using a janky home-grown solution based on Yalc.