Colin Armstrong@colin

If you were building a new dApp in consumer web3, how would you choose which chain/L2 to build on to optimize for product growth? Seems like the two major factors are adoption and gas fees.

In reply to @colin

imo Polygon is the top choice right now. it's EVM, it's cheap, it's popular, and it's fast. checks all my boxes.

In reply to @colin
Vinay Vasanji@vinayvasanji

It depends whether the audience is cryptonative, or not Example: Nike's Swoosh product is built on Polygon, and most the the crypto complexity is abstracted away

In reply to @colin
tim 🥝@timdaub

I‘d try to rebuild the FC aspirational architecture using CRDTs. I‘d try to avoid any on-chain interactions unless absolutely necessary. I‘d go with the most safest and sustainable chains, so only mainnet and L2s.

In reply to @colin

Solana is ripe for shipping

In reply to @colin
Jess Sloss @jess
12/15/2022 is on to something with Optimism (I think). The create an easy bridge (rollup bridges > crosschain bridges) and the UX is sharp. Also benefits from adoption / liquidity of ETH.

In reply to @colin
brian is not live@briang

was debating between polygon or mainnet for unlonelyNFCs. visibility is big for NFCs though and polygon gets less visibility on wallet dapps(usually an extra button or side tab you need to click to view them). however, we’ve also prob spent >$500 on gas fees minting them to main so that’s a factor as well. not sure

In reply to @colin
pete @preach

ETH because that’s the only name the average consumer will recognize

In reply to @colin

Gas fees and use-case dependent adoption. I’m considering Celo for a project I’m building since it’s targeting international freelancers for example. Polygon is seeming more promising though for a number of reasons

In reply to @colin

continuous discovery; talk to 3-5 folks a week. answer and keep refining each week below who are my users what are their goals how does it work today what are their problems what are the causes prioritize user problems (matrix) what are your hypotheses what are you gonna bet on (mvp)

In reply to @colin
Matteo Lunghi@entrepreneur

Cosmos Product growth is maximized by having as much control over UX as possible, and app chains provide total vertical integration

In reply to @colin

Build as sovereign rollup and use Celestia as your data layer.

In reply to @colin
Cameron Armstrong@cameron

@perl chain sequencing

In reply to @colin
DinoEggs 🧱🎬@dinoeggs

If you’re already in Polygon you could stay on PoS chain for another 6-12 months and then shift to zkEVM

In reply to @colin
Eric Preston@preston

Your own cosmos chain = so your token can capture the full value rather than paying gas to a host network 💰

In reply to @colin


In reply to @colin

Users and fees are top for now, but I expect technical features to enter the equation for this bear since users will vacate and everything is cheap now. $DOT projects aren't there because the users are, most looked at all options and needed substrate and/or shared security for their product, no other way to develop

In reply to @colin

I'm a strong believer that a good product can lead the network adoption. So the real deciding factor is the gas fees and arguably the budget. Optimism is particularly interesting thanks to it's engineering focused team and product. Also check their OP stack!

In reply to @colin

@perl web3 growth

In reply to @colin

We started beginning of this year with Solana for dev speed and minimal gas, which obviously bit us a little. Wallets and onboarding have been frustrating, probably add polygon soon

In reply to @colin

Eth unless gas costs are unreasonable.

In reply to @colin

my favorite experience is on Avalanche. The ecosystem is hard to leave once you try it out.

In reply to @colin
Uncle Davo@uncledavo


In reply to @colin
Yiğit Gürbulak@yigitgurbulak

scalability and security, there are many good blockchains but I prefer Polkadot

In reply to @colin
Maya Zehavi@mayazi

The chain with least normies adoption friction. Which probably means either Starknet due to account abstraction apps like cartridge or Polygon for the distribution partnerships

In reply to @colin
Composability Kyle @ ETH Denver@kylesamani

i think for the vast majority of apps, the only thing that really matters is gas costs as network utilization approaches ~90%, gas costs skyrocket asymmetrically (not linearly), which virtually guarantees app failure (if users pay gas) / company bankruptcy (if company pays gas)

In reply to @colin

My suggestion is to focus on where the users are. Polygon and other L2s have had low gas fees for some time, yet Ethereum is still where the volume is at. Maybe users need more education or could be that bridging funds between chains is too much of an inconvenience. Either way, I’d let on-chain activity be the guid