In reply to @artlu.eth

One could argue a reason for that 90% channel focus is app devs have been treated like second class citizens. Are they being counted in DAUs? Network DAUs > 🚾 DAUs (obvi sorry) Yes, App group invites. 🙌

In reply to @kmacb.eth

say more about 2nd class citizen treatment? I disagree but am open to ur pov: - protocol is permissionless+nearly free - Neynar provides api/infra diversity - FC team gave great visibility to Discove, FarQuest, Herocast, Opencast, CastStorage, Farcord, TilesCool, +more - hasn't stepped on or co-opted innovation AFAICT

In reply to @kmacb.eth

circling back to App group invites 🌶️ take: if the community hadn't been SO allergic, Yup & FarQuest might have 5k invites each rn; we'd have spent a few days creating simple text-block filters that work so-so; we'd be double DAU now with lower average quality (inevitable) Maybe channels need to gel first tbh