In reply to @timdaub
Chu Ka-Cheong@kc

Registration on the contract is gated rn. But I do see why they are keeping it this way. If they are opening it too soon, it will likely repeat Clubhouse’s mistake or it will become like Lens Protocol which is full of airdrop farmers.

In reply to @kc
tim 🥝@timdaub

yeah same. But on the other side I can understand @betashop‘s POV too. IMO then an option is that Jam duplicates the FID contract with an open registration and their node accepts messages from the contract. I think the set reconciliation would still work but WC nodes would only see WC content right?

In reply to @kc

I agree. Open signups are double edged sword. And moderation tools are virtually nonexistent right now. Albeit I do think signup gating and moderation should be client level feature in long run