Kim Currier@kimcurrier
18 days ago

My daughter (5) is going through a phase where she’s very scared at night. Any tips for getting her to fall asleep alone?

In reply to @kimcurrier
Red 🎩@big-red
18 days ago

My girls like listening to some white noise (ocean/rain sounds) to fall asleep. We tried one of those rainbow/stars nightlights but that actually kept them up cause it was too stimulating

In reply to @kimcurrier
McBain @mcbain
17 days ago

I tend to just try and redirect their feeling from fear to funny or something I ask them what they are scared of and then I ask them to imagine something really silly That’s distracted well enough in the past! Good luck.!

In reply to @kimcurrier
Alex Roytenberg, CPA 🎩🍖@alexroytenberg
17 days ago

What has worked is find/identify what they are afraid of and show that it’s ok. Small flashlights and stuff help.
