Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

Some exciting news ✨our team has been heads down building this past year, and we're ready to show off *Indie Protocol* 0- a platform for indies to find dream projects and clients to find their dream teams. This changes the game for independent developers and designers worldwide... read more here if this seems cool

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

1/ When we started out on this journey, we imagined a future where folks can choose to go indie with confidence. But the landscape that we saw was dim: gig-economy platforms, race-to-the-bottom incentive systems, and most of the profits lining the pockets of executives 💸

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

2/ In October 2021, we launched IndieDAO - a decentralized home sweet home where indies can find their community 🏘️ Today we're launching Indie Protocol, the necessary component that allows indies to team up, deliver kickass client projects, and get paid 🎉

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

3/ After 5 years of dedicated research and iterations, we landed on a framework for a future of work that we wanted to participate in as indies ourselves. This meant solving for the 3 core challenges of being an indie: 1. Contracts & Legal 2. Reputation 3. Payments & Equity

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

4/ 1. Contracts & Legal are a pain for any indie. It's the necessary but tedious and expensive part of running your own business. With Indie Protocol, contracts get spun up whenever clients and indies create an account. Set up once and you're set up for good 🤝

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

5/ 2. Reputation is critical for decentralized service work. Indies need to be able to establish trust with their community members, know who they're working with, and make sure they have the skills needed to complement their team 🫂

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

6/ Years of research and prototyping for Lvl Protocol helped us understand the critical nature of reputation in a builder ecosystem. Our learnings pointed to the value of aggregating data points and relaying contextual value and relationships between teams and partners ⚖️

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

7/ 3. Payments & Equity is a core part of any type of work, yet often create stress in the work relationship 😖 In order to utilize compensation in a way that aligns people for shared success, we built in transparency to make it a win-win relationship for all.

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

8/ Project work is segmented into short sprints, each with agreed upon deliverables tied to compensation – paid up front and locked in our smart contract 🔒 Once the work is delivered and approved by the client, payments are distributed to the indies automatically! 💰

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

9/ Furthermore, every one of these steps and approvals are recorded cryptographically to avoid the redundant "he said / she said" dilemma 🤡 Indies are clear on what they're on the hook for, and clients know exactly what to expect. Like we said – win-win 🎉

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

10/ Multiplayer work is the dream and we're realizing it by taking the repeatable parts of freelance business and assembling them like legos 🏗 What we love most about the Indie future of work hyperstructure is the infinite game this allows us all to play 🕹

In reply to @nicovalencia
Nico Valencia@nicovalencia

11/ Shout outs on shout outs to all of our teammates that have been hard at work building this for indies worldwide 👏👏👏 Are you an indie looking for your next gig? Or searching for the right team to work on your project? Drop a gm 👇 to get early access to our community!