In reply to @mrmemes
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

This format: `data:,1320.ethmap" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1320.ethmap` which is just the data uri representation of the plain text "1320.ethmap". Riffing on this idea, one possible path forward would be to inject custom mime types for your protocol implementation, e.g. `data:myprotocol,`... this would disambiguate compatible ethscriptions.

In reply to @mrmemes
Monsieur Le Memes@mrmemes

... that way your protocol contract could say: "okay, this ethscription is in my data format and I expect the bytes of the body to be in this format"... keeps the data on-chain and lets the schema be defined in a contract, in a format that's de-serializable on-chain as well.