In reply to @dwr
Dan Romero@dwr

The constraints of the core system will offer opportunities for other companies / open source tools to archive. Imagine Perl, Pincaster or Searchcaster now having additional value for preserving. My pov, old tweets are more liability (humans change over time!) than useful in vast majority of cases.

In reply to @dwr
Dan Romero@dwr

Finally, we’re starting extremely conservative with estimates and not making any assumptions around storage costs decreasing (they likely will). So a lot of room for us to be able to bump up limits.

In reply to @dwr

OMG! I agree with this tweet on so many levels!

In reply to @dwr
Dragonbane Creation@dragonbanec

Probably something that will incentivize people to be more authentic. May also improve the quality of interactions. And in a noticeable way.