Chris Carella 🛡️@ccarella

Reviewing some notes. Thought this is a powerful model. How do we allow all Americans to participate in our dominance of the Internet over the last 2 decades and why are our regulators trying to stop it, rather than embrace and amplify it? (cc @li)

In reply to @ccarella

I hate having to defend regulator positions. The reality has been an endless list of pointless and often ponzi tokens that do none of these things above and financially destroy the general public who don't recognize this. I don't think making up your own $bucks for your service and calling it "ownership" is a win.

In reply to @ccarella

“Offers a new way for Americans to build wealth.” This reminds me of the Bankless episodes with Josh Rosenthal - Crypto Renaissance and Crypto Revolution. I’d recommend if you haven’t listened yet