
We like to think of technology can be bad or evil, or something that needs to be reigned in or controlled. But it is us, who can be evil and bad, technology is itself still a tool and we are the ones that wield it - so what do we do?

In reply to @july

We have unimaginable greatness and unimaginative hatred within us all - technology is just an amplifier

In reply to @july
Bias 🫧@bias

We tear down the exploitative empires built off of it and replace them with the sustainable and actually neutral solutions Rage against the bummer machine

In reply to @july

there's an existential dilemma here, if we build technology that has a greater span of ethical considerations than humans have the bandwidth for, eventually we're dependent on technology that should have, by demonstrable ethics, more agency than humans. then it wields us for the least harm.

In reply to @july
Connor McCormick 🥝/🫦@nor

I think it's because people can be bad or evil that we reign in and control technology. Should we make available to purchase for anyone a protein printer that can synthesize virulent smallpox with the press of a button?

In reply to @july
GabrielAyuso.eth ⌐◨-◨@gabrielayuso.eth

A lot of good and bad came from the technological marvel that was the prefrontal cortex.

In reply to @july

Yes but technologies are bent in certain directions. Favoring or predisposed to certain uses or outcomes

In reply to @july

Don't we first create the need then the product? Maybe there were lots of technical development in ancient era too but they were just different.

In reply to @july

A lot of people (and mythologies) label any dramatic societal change as "evil," and since technology is often the source of that change, for many it is evil by definition, even if they wouldn't say that directly.

In reply to @july
Daniel Grigsby@dmg

Yes! This is so important. What are we summoning out of the earth (fourfold) via Dasein? It’s the forgotten question at the root of our inauthentic Being. The culture wars are a distraction from this more fundamental ‘question concerning technology’.