
There are some key things that have to change and become easier for web3 to be ready for mass adoption: - private key management - on-ramping and off-ramping with fiat - explicit clarity with wallet signing messaging - simple UI for the entire flow of transaction/process What else needs to improve?

In reply to @sushen

+1 for simple UI for entire flow New users shouldn’t need to go to an external product to first create a wallet - dApps should have embedded wallets Abit old stat: Cryptokitties had 99% drop off when new users needed to create their first wallet

In reply to @sushen
Dan Romero@dwr

Contrarian: we need actual apps people find useful. Everyone wants to build infrastructure but very few are building actual apps.

In reply to @sushen

Gasless RPC nodes that are web 2 authenticated + rate limited + contract list. Nobody is going to pay gas to after they cut down a tree in an MMO. If we don’t get something easier than current relayers we risk big players just spinning up their own closed chains before we hit critical mass on public chains.

In reply to @sushen
Aayush Mittal@aayushmittal
11/23/2022 solving for the last one building consumer app

In reply to @sushen
Lilly Kofler@lilly

As a self proclaimed end-user I feel this one in my soul

In reply to @sushen

not your keys not you