In reply to @timdaub
Chu Ka-Cheong@kc

The current implementation of hub is very coupled with the FID contract. On the other hand, I think @dwr can give them a number of invitation quota and API so that Jam can have the whole onboarding flow on their app.

In reply to @kc
tim 🥝@timdaub

yeah agreed. But long term, a multi sig or gov mechanism should probably decide over that. Although, I remember @dwr saying that they want to charge for FIDs, so it sounds a bit like a Warpcast thing. Dunno, I think Merkle could also draw a line and say they own the FIDs and that Jam and others have to roll their own

In reply to @kc
Ignas Peciura@ipeciura

At the moment the user still has to sign up via Warpcast and then join Jam separately. We've tried doing that at ETH Global Tokyo and was too time consuming/cumbersome for the user (especially creating name, and also WC asking to connect an address and add email, while we also need an email...