Chris Carella@ccarella

Is anyone using AI Writing assistants like Lex, Notion and now Craft? I've tried them all and I think they are extremely cool but I've not found a good use case or way to work them into my workflow. Would love to hear use-cases that are sticking.

In reply to @ccarella
Abe Anwar@abe

Lex is useful for me when I am looking for inspiration - ideas for phrasing something differently. When I get writer’s block, it’s especially useful then.

In reply to @ccarella
kristen (kpaxle)@kristen

have been messing around, also haven't found a way into work flow - can be helpful if you're trying to say something more simpler, so a little writing assistant tried some group writing games with it, and it didn't work so well--the ability to synthesize info wasn't great

In reply to @ccarella

Notion? Say more.

In reply to @ccarella
Stephen Meyer@sem

agree with @abe I use Lex and ( ) to help when I'm stuck writing a post and to learn what others have already covered / frameworks / research etc.

In reply to @ccarella
juan leal ⌐◨-◨@leal

currently using copy ai to get me from 0 to 1 for blog posts - i feed it the structure/prompts/keywords and it gives a good base for me to go off from. tried jasper as well but didn't love writing quality as much just got access to lex but looks like won't be as useful for web3 content:

In reply to @ccarella

If I was still working at an SEO agency cranking out generic content I'd be using Lex all day It just doesn't work for me now since I'm writing specifically about web3. Too many nuances for an AI to write intelligently on the niche topics I'm targeting.

In reply to @ccarella
Devin Elliot@notdevin

I’ve used Jasper to prototype data models and perform data collection and organizing for researching projects

In reply to @ccarella
Oz Lubling@ozlubling

What do you think of the craft one? Looks like it’s taking a slightly different approach than the others. Is it useful?

In reply to @ccarella

I use to generate ideas for subtitles for my newsletter. I’m still trying to get good outputs to use for actual content, but it’s good for suggestions that I rewrite to something more appropriate.

In reply to @ccarella

tbh pretty huge for writing JDs! I’m generally thinking great use case for writing not needing much creativity but still important so need to cut writing time down.

In reply to @ccarella

@perl Products - AI Writing

In reply to @ccarella
Renee Bigelow@reneeb

I did early LTD and/or unlimited subs to several because I felt like this would become so important for marketing. Each has a different interface and/or templates. I agree great to break writer’s block. Website copy, email copy, subject lines, ads etc are where I find most helpful. It often takes many attempts though

In reply to @ccarella
Renee Bigelow@reneeb

Also I love Grammarly. The AI suggestions in it work far better into my workflow day-to-day vs when I am stuck. It pares your wording & even suggests better paragraph structure which speeds up editing in flow. I plug it in everywhere. Jasper (formerly Jarvis) has a new extension so interested to see how it performs.

In reply to @ccarella
Renee Bigelow@reneeb

@perl AI writing software