Corbin Page@corbpage

What's the best way you've incorporated ChatGPT / AI into your workday? Considering running an AutoGPT session and trying to automate more manual tasks.

In reply to @corbpage

Raycast’s Ask AI extension is up all day for me. Use it for everything from questions to message drafting to coding

In reply to @corbpage
Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

Everyday morning I look at my tasks and I ask myself "How can I use ChatGPT to do it?" and I typically come with 1-2 ideas

In reply to @corbpage

I use it for general queries and market trends information, avoiding input of any proprietary info. Also for email message drafts.

In reply to @corbpage
mike beasley@beasley

It's basically replaced stack overflow for me and has the added benefit of being context aware. So rather than trying to find someone who has an analogous problem to mine and having to do the mental lift to translate onto my problem, it generally does that last part for me which is a huge time saver.

In reply to @corbpage

Once I get the ChatGPT4 API key Im going to automate my entire existence with AutoGPT.

In reply to @corbpage
NJ | Bozo.eth@nj

Using Mac Shortcuts + Whisper + ChatGPT API, I automated my daily journal: - Transcribe my audio recording using WhisperAPI (which is FAR superior than the built in Siri or whatever else!) - Send that transcript to GPT4 to summarize in bullet points + add relevant hashtags - Save daily note locally in Markdown

In reply to @corbpage
Jacob Friedman @jrf

Every day I wake up and ask GPT how to be a good man 😌 ❤️