Varun Srinivasan@varunsrin.eth

EIP to validate passkeys on-chain with a precompile: This would be huge for AA wallets. I'm curious if anyone has a pulse on how likely this is to pass, seems like there's usually a lot of contention around adding precompiles.

In reply to @varunsrin.eth

that seems very promising.

In reply to @varunsrin.eth
timdaub 🥝@timdaub.eth

But what are Passkeys good for in crypto? You can‘t see the payload of what the app is proposing to sign. I‘m not trusting websites, I‘ve been trusting wallets. Is this flipped now?

In reply to @varunsrin.eth
Pedro Gomes@pedrouid

It’s the most promising EIP 💪 I’m committed to push it forward

In reply to @varunsrin.eth
Peter Ferguson@peterferguson.eth

I think it is pretty low chances of happening soon. As one of the earlier adopters of passkeys we involved in the efforts to get p256 adopted on both L1s & L2s. Both groups have said they would want to the other adopt it first 🫠 But with enough noise about it hopefully they can be swayed

In reply to @varunsrin.eth

With largeBlob storage it’ll be possible to store any key type along with a passkey, but it can be read by the app loading it. Not as secure as the enclave, but you don’t have to precompile the P256 curve. You can use secpk1 (as some demo wallets have done)

In reply to @varunsrin.eth
Varun Srinivasan@varunsrin.eth

@paulm curious if you have takes on this i agree with your comments in eth magicians that ed25519 would be nicer, but that proposal seems to have stalled out entirely

In reply to @varunsrin.eth

Hello Dogan is here :) I’m one of the co author of this EIP. Thank you for your support and good words! Just to clarify; passkeys is only one usecase of this precompile, there are many other usecases like DNS verification and using Secure Enclave directly (Daimo and us)

In reply to @varunsrin.eth

Can anyone give the tl;dr on the resistance to precompiles? Signature verification seems like a basic primitive eg cosmwasm includes them for ecdsa and ed25519