Alex Kwon@ace

I honestly think Farcaster is just a much better experience. Is it the wallet requirement? Why do people keep mentioning Mastodon the most?

In reply to @ace
suzuha ⚡️🌙@dystopiabreaker

i think farcaster is relatively “crypto bubble”, the current reality is that most non crypto people see “NFT” or “wallet” and run

In reply to @ace
Juan Rivera Perez@juan

It’s bc ppl don’t fuck with you can’t join without an invite It’s okay. We may be slow but we will win the race at the end of the day

In reply to @ace

Mastodon is comparatively old and battle tested tech. It's been bumping around for years

In reply to @ace

Mastodon is just easier to on-board to right now. I was interested in Farcaster before but didn't have an invite, and I didn't have the push to track one down until Elon's recent escapades. I doubt Mastodon will win in the end mostly due to the fragmented / separate servers.

In reply to @ace
The DAO Joan Index@daojoan

Mastodon is pretty anti crypto generally

In reply to @ace

Multiple people have told me they started to create a FC account then stopped once they had to connect a wallet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In reply to @ace

Farcaster not open access yet.

In reply to @ace

I think Farcaster is going to be used first and foremost by web3 twitter community.

In reply to @ace

Why didn’t you link the tweet? Just curious. Now I have to search and Farcaster has the support no?

In reply to @ace

Wallet was a bit weird, felt lucky to already have a few installed mobile wallets. Why cant FC sign using the initial generated address?

In reply to @ace
Garry Tan@garrytan

Need better ways to link via web and onboard

In reply to @ace

Yeah, I think it’s the crypto wallet thing. Which, definitely set off my scam feelers tingling when I set it up the first time. It frankly feels super shady

In reply to @ace

I personally like using Farcaster much more, but I think it just comes down to preference in this case. And the fact that you have to get an invite here

In reply to @ace
Ivy Astrix@ivy

mastodon is just the anti-twitter, probably stemming from 2016 and the sarah jeong motherboard piece

In reply to @ace
Dan Romero@dwr

1. Onboarding difficulty is by design. 2. We need to actually ship v2 before we can turn attention back to protocol growth.

In reply to @ace
Matt Bateman@matt

Basically everyone I have managed to get an invite for gets dissuaded by some aspect of the technical friction. Including technically savvy people. Sucks for me!

In reply to @ace
Chris | themanbearpig.eth@manbearpig

Mastodon is absolute mess to figure out.

In reply to @ace

People are bringing their following graph. there are tools to export the people I pay attention to already, so it felt like less of a cold start problem. I’ve been here longer but since so many twitter groups moved there simultaneously it was easy to figure out what to chat about, norms etc.

In reply to @ace
Pierre Vannier@pierre

I’m a fancaster. I mention it on Twitter every time (@dwr had to tell me to slow the fuck down). Keep going like that. Mastodon design is flawed imho.

In reply to @ace

Equally curious. I am trying to understand what's the difference. But it seems to be made up of different small things

In reply to @ace

Almost no one has heard of FC. Mastodon has been around for years and has a much much larger user base. Millions of people use it. Not even 100k people know what FC is. Same goes for Lens. Although larger user base there. Told a room of crypto people about both and no one knew what I was talking about.

In reply to @ace
Mac Budkowski@macbudkowski

Userbase. Mastodon has 1M active users which is 166X more than Farcaster. Every active user is a potential product ambassador so Mastodon has 166X more "salesmen" than Farcaster :) Also, PG has a huge audience - 1.6 million followers. Even if he wanted to move, Farcaster wouldn't be able to onboard all these users.

In reply to @ace

Twitter is (was) a catchall - Mastodon is the next largest catchall platform with a similar ux. Farcaster has a unique audience & features - but it's certainly not currently for everyone, everything --- or, critically, has self-service onboarding.

In reply to @ace

Onboarding non-crypto people on any crypto service is extremely hard because it requires them to trust and understand crypto and your service at the same time. Failing in doing either it’s a missed acquisition. The way I’d approach would be exploring to see if the FC can be people’s first wallet in a transparent

In reply to @ace
Alex Valaitis@alexvalaitis

I honestly think it just may be a historical thing. Mastodon launched back in 2016. Most Web3 social protocols really only went live on mainnet in the last 18 months.

In reply to @ace
Natt Nguyen@natt

I would say the greatest friction is digital crypto wallet and the stigma of cryptocurrency