In reply to @samantha

We realized that we could just fax our product info to the doctors and it would get to their desk without having the office manager gatekeep the content, because they only sort faxes, they don’t read them. And that’s how we got our first sale! Through a fucking fax 😹

In reply to @samantha
Jacob Friedman @jrf


In reply to @samantha

Every iteration we followed the book - the startup book (cold call, investor, email) the pharma book (lunch, swag) and nothing worked. It took me a lot of grit to be able to iterate the strategy and keep going. I learned that existing methods may not work and that you have to be unconventional to win :)

In reply to @samantha
Mac Budkowski 🥝@macbudkowski

So Krugman was right

In reply to @samantha

This is hilarious but also a great lesson. Question: We’re each of these iterations to a new list of prospects? Or did you hit each list with each iteration? Did you get the sense they were getting sick of the constant outreach after already saying no?

In reply to @samantha
Uncle Davo@uncledavo

So useful to see the stages and rationales behind each iteration! Thanks for sharing 🤝

In reply to @samantha

amazing how communicating through a different medium can instill authenticity. this is a great social hack!