Dan Romero@dwr

“Elon is losing it” is cope. You don’t have to like him, agree with him or even want him to succeed, but pay less attention to his tweets and more attention to the hardware. (Also Ford is now using Tesla Superchargers.)

In reply to @dwr

agreed, but this particular development is the edge of the knife. if they have the same hiccups as animal trials, there will be no shortage of amplification for critics. that being said, I really want to see neuralink succeed for neurodevelopmental research. imagine this was the way we ended curing alzheim/parkinsons.

In reply to @dwr
Ben 🛡️@benersing

Wow. This is BIG news. The FDA doesn't grant these trials lightly.

In reply to @dwr
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦@nir

I’m in the “Elon massively overpaid for Twitter to a degree that will yield continued poor execution of his vision” camp

In reply to @dwr
Britt Kim@brittkim

Both “Elon can do no wrong” and “Elon is losing it” camps are lame. Pay attention to his tweets. Pay attention to his work. Maybe he both sucks as a person and ships quality things.

In reply to @dwr
sean 🥝@seanhart

What about people who are big fans of SpaceX, Tesla, and Neuralink but think “Elon is losing it” over Twitter and culture war politics *specifically* because they worry those distractions delay / diminish success of the first three?