
A nouns farcaster client could make a new channel for every prop theoretically, with the URL being the governor address and propID appended Questionable if this is a good comms model or not lol but theoretically an alt client to Warpcast could do this today permissionlessly based on FIP-2, just wouldn't show up here

In reply to @six
Ryan Beltran@ryanbeltran

Interesting. Still learning what all can be done via farcaster.

In reply to @six
hellno the optimist 🍜🪩@hellno

herocast is basically ready for this with permissionless channels. Is there an API where I can automatically get the latest props?

In reply to @six
Nounish Prof ⌐◧-◧@nounishprof

Might fracture the conversation. You’d lose some discovery too. I’m on warpcast for many things so the ⌐◨-◨ channel can be part of that flow. A separate client would lose some interaction I fear.