Dan Romero@

Small improvement on Warpcast web: pinned channels are now visible

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hellno the optimist 🍜🪩@hellno

Are you planning on improving the UX for non-Warpcast channels like the ones in herocast or Sportscaster (@joshmiller ) ?

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die a twitter or live long enough to see yourself become a slack

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will there be little noti badges for channels in the sidebar like in the top strip? i find i browse sidebar channels less without the prompt that there's new stuff in them 🤷🏻‍♀️

In reply to @dwr.eth

how about make potrait image fully displayed? is it bad? or maybe crop it to square so it will be more better than this image display (so small)

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For potrait image on timeline, how about make it to square(croped) like an thumbnail. Idk maybe it's a bad idea? negative side of this, user need to click the image to view the details.